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The Pros and Cons of Getting An Email Psychic Reading

A psychic email reading is a convenient alternative to phone readings and online chat sessions. With a psychic reading via email, you send your psychic a list of questions and then receive answers directly to your inbox within 24-48 hours.

A lot of people interested in online psychic readings wonder if they’re better off opting for an e-mail reading or a live chat option. The truth is that each method has its pros and cons, but it’s mostly just a matter of preference. Ultimately, you should go with whatever psychic reading format makes you feel the most comfortable.

In this guide, I’ll explain everything you need to know about email readings, including the pros and cons.

What Are the Pros and Cons?

There are several benefits that email readings have over chat or phone readings, depending on your circumstances. You might choose a phone reading in one case, but an email reading with the same psychic in another.

Let’s look a bit more closely at the pros and cons of psychic email readings.


  • Email psychic readings are very discreet—no one needs to know except you and the psychic.
  • Psychic readings via email allow you to consider your questions carefully to help ensure you ask the right questions.
  • Conversely, if you’re pressed for time, a quick mail to your psychic can get you the answers you’re seeking without your direct involvement in that moment.
  • If you’re shy, or uncertain in any way, email readings allow you to ask your questions at your leisure, removing some of the pressure of a phone or video chat session.
  • Email psychic readings can help remove the immediacy of your emotions from distressing or traumatic events, allowing you to meditate on your questions and your psychic’s answers.
  • If you’re a skeptic, email prevents a clairvoyant from using cold reading techniques or reacting to your facial expression or tone of voice.
  • Email psychic readings can allow your medium to meditate on your questions, providing more detailed responses than video or chat sessions sometimes allow.
  • You have a copy of the session in your inbox, allowing you to meditate on the answers to your questions and develop insights into them when you are ready.
  • A reading done via email makes it easier to open up about questions you may be uncomfortable or embarrassed to ask in a video or phone session.


  • You must wait for the answers longer than you would for a chat or video reading.
  • Sessions with a medium or any connections with those that have passed beyond are not recommended.
  • Bad actors may sometimes use generic “scripts” in these types of sessions.

How Accurate Are Email Psychics?

We have found that with genuine psychics, an email reading is just accurate as a chat or in-person psychic reading.  The highest-rated mediums may actually prefer to do some sessions via mail for various readings. By conducting a session via email, it removes any distractions or reactions you might unknowingly provide during a face-to-face session.

How Do Email Readings Work?

typing on the computer

When it comes to a psychic email reading, mediums can often spend more time meditating on the energies that surround and move through us all. With these types of readings, email psychic advice can be more carefully considered and may be more developed than with an in-person visit.

You send them a mail with your questions. They can read it and then focus their energies, using whatever tools lend themselves to the reading and find the answers. With email readings, your medium has time to focus on your questions when they can control their surroundings. They can truly tune in to the guidance they are receiving and meditate at length on their responses.

Which Types of Readings Work Best for Email?

For psychic readings, email lends itself to nearly all types of sessions. Your clairvoyant can use their tools to connect to the universal energies and find answers to your questions just as they would for a video chat or phone session.

Clairvoyance, divination, precognition, and remote viewing techniques all work well as email readings. Tarot cards, energy work, runes, numerology, and many other tool-sets still work to guide your psychic to the answers to your many questions.

As mentioned above, however, we do not recommend medium readings.  Getting a medium reading done by email does not have the same immediate give-and-take interaction that a truly profound experience with the dead requires.

Tips for Getting a Good Email Reading


As with any type of reading, the better prepared and more open and tuned in for your reading, the better results you will get.

Here are a few tips to help you get the best psychic reading possible.

Set your intentions. Before you write down your questions, spend some time in meditation. Be open. Let your mind, heart, and energy guide your focus to where it needs to be. Then, set the intention of being open to the guidance your reader provides.

Focus on your questions. When you feel ready to write down your questions, set aside some uninterrupted time. Think about the answers you’re seeking. Write your questions down, then read them back to yourself. Spend some time making sure they are specific and ask exactly what you need to know. Clarity and specificity will help your spiritual advisor to guide their energies.

Put the most important questions at the top. As you are writing your psychic, make sure your most pressing question is at the top of your mail. This helps your psychic consultant know where you have focused your intention and where you’d like for them to focus, as well.

Give some detail. Try to frame your questions with a bit of detail. Those little bits of information can help guide your psychic on their quest to provide you the answers you need.

Move beyond the “yes” or “no.” When you formulate your questions, try to give your reader room to respond. The many energies of the universe are often subtle and nuanced. Simple “yes” or “no” questions don’t give your psychic room to answer in a way that may be more correct and helpful.

Be open. In addition to being open when you set your intentions, you should also focus on being open when you read your psychic advisor’s responses. Set aside any prejudice or preference for one response over the other. Read your emails with an open heart and an open mind. Be open to hearing the answers you need, even if they aren’t what you want.

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