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Top 10+ ShareASale Alternatives To Make More Money

Along with ShareASale, there are many affiliate networks or programs that are also very big and from which you can earn more money on affiliate marketing.

So, if you have been searching for some of the best ShareASale alternatives, then let me tell you that you should stop searching any further.

As here in this article, I am going to reveal 10+ ShareASale alternatives that are similar and by joining the stocking network you can increase your income.

Whether you are approved by ShareASale or not, you must read this valuable article because here you will get a legitimate platform to succeed online.

ShareASale Affiliate Network

ShareASale is one of the most popular, largest and my favorite affiliate marketing network with over 16,000 merchants listed and these merchants have their own affiliate programs.

I have been working on ShareASale for 6 months and I can earn Alhamdulillah.

I must say that it is the best affiliate network for all beginners where it is very easy for beginners to earn money on affiliate marketing.

Apart from ShareASale, there are several other affiliate networks that you should know about and you can even join these networks to earn more commissions online.

So let us know some best sites similar to ShareAsale.

10+ ShareASale Alternatives:

Below are some of the best platforms to build or start an affiliate marketing business. Therefore, I will advise you to read this article carefully to gain detailed knowledge.

The following networks are arranged randomly and not according to their rating or network strength.

1. Impact Radius

Along with ShareASale, Impact Radius is also my favorite and one of the largest networks of affiliates and brands.

Impact has a lot of big brands that have their own affiliate programs listed here, so what affiliates do is just promote those affiliate offers to make money.

I have a verified Impact Radius account and the best part of Impact Radius that I like is their dashboard which is very easy to navigate and easy to use.

From your dashboard you can easily choose affiliate links of any brand or you can even do deep linking and this is really amazing.

Let me tell you that many famous and big brands are listed on Impact and that is why it is so popular.

So, if you are really looking for a network like ShareASale, I must say that Impact is the greatest alternative to ShareASale.

Because there are many similarities in both the platforms.

To work or earn on Impact, you only need to be approved first like ShareASale. But getting approved for Impact is also very easy.

All you need is a website, so if you don’t have your own website, I must say you should create one.

Because they only see the content of your website, so you need to put quality content on your website.

See a detailed overview of the Impact Radius

Watch the video about Impact Radius

Network information

  • Threshold – $10
  • Payment frequency when the threshold is met
  • Payment Methods: Direct Bank Transfer/PayPal

2. Flexible offers

FlexOffers is a very big and popular affiliate network, but there are some people who don’t approve FlexOffers easily.

Let me tell you, Alhamdulillah, I have a verified FlexOffers account and I can actually earn from it by promoting the affiliate programs listed there.

FlexOffers has many better and higher paying affiliate offers like Skillshare, Constant Contact, Linkedin Learning, Bigstock, Freshbooks and more.

Like ShareASale, to become a FlexOffers affiliate, you must be verified with your website.

And this is the main reason why some people don’t even approve FlexOffers easily because they don’t have their website.

So here website is required and not only this but also you need to have some traffic on your website to get approved.

Once approved by this network let me tell you that you will easily get approval from different advertisers within it and thus it will be easier for us.

Commission reports are very easy to check and not only that, FlexOffers payout methods are very acceptable.

Therefore, I would like to recommend you to join this network to become an affiliate marketing champion.

Network information

  • Threshold – $25
  • Payment frequency – net 60 days
  • Payment methods: PayPal, bank transfer and check

3. Commission Junction

Commission Junction is also similar to ShareASale but the difference is that it gives you instant approval and I think this platform is good for you.

Commision Junction or CJ is one of the largest affiliate networks and advertisers, those advertisers have many affiliate offers on CJ promoting my affiliates like us.

So if you are a beginner then I must say that it will be very easy for you to earn money from Commission Junction and it gives you instant access to their affiliate panel.

The best part that you find good about CJ is definitely its dashboard which is very simple and easy to navigate even for beginners.

There are several instant approval affiliate programs on CJ, so all you have to do is join as soon as possible to market those offers and generate more commissions.

But the most important part of CJ is its TAX form where many people are m and because of that they can’t activate their account.

So you have to be very careful while filling the CJ TAX form, it’s not difficult, in fact it’s easy, but you have to fill it correctly.

Watch the video about the commission loop

Network information

  • Threshold: $50
  • Payment frequency: monthly
  • Payment Methods: Direct Bank Transfer/Cheque

4. Amazon Associates

Amazon is the biggest e-commerce company on the planet, everyone knows that.

Amazon has its own affiliate program known as Amazon Associates. Let me tell you that it is one of the most popular and largest affiliate programs in the world.

There are many bug affiliate marketers who recommend Amazon affiliate programs for all beginners who are starting their career in affiliate marketing.

I even started my affiliate marketing with Amazon Associates and let me tell you that I have more than 1 year of Amazon Associates experience and my experience is great.

I actually created a website where I share relevant content for products on Amazon and Alhamdulillah, those things rank on Google and of course I earned from them.

Although the commission it gives is very less compared to other affiliate offers.

But Amazon products are very easy to promote because it has a very wide audience, so it becomes easier for beginners.

You don’t need any kind of endorsement from brands to promote a product on Amazon, just choose the links and promote.

So I would recommend you to join this network and select the products and start promoting them to earn money from them.

Network information

  • Threshold – $10
  • Payment frequency – net 60 days
  • Payment methods – direct bank transfer

5. Awin

Well, I must say that Awin and ShareASale are almost the same networks. Let me tell you that ShareASale has been acquired by Awin.

You can even see their website which is almost the same, which means that both networks are connected to each other, so it is also one of the greatest alternatives to ShareASale.

I don’t think I need to tell you much about this affiliate network because the operating system of this platform is almost the same as ShareASale.

It is a network that connects advertisers or merchants, publishers or affiliates and both benefit from this best network.

You need to get their approval to join Awin, but there is a difference in the process of joining this platform.

To become an Awin affiliate you need to apply by paying them $1.

But if approved by Awin, this $1 will be added to your affiliate dashboard and you can easily withdraw it when your threshold is reached.

But if your application is rejected, you also don’t need to worry because you can ask for your $1 back and it will definitely be returned to you as they wrote on their website.

So you’re not lost, this is just for a check or a security deposit, you’ll easily get it back either way.

Once approved, you will find many affiliate offers to promote as they pay you high.

Network information

  • Threshold – $20
  • Payout frequency: 1 or 15
  • Payment method – Payoneer

6. Rakuten Advertising

Rakuten Advertising is another top alternative to the ShareASale affiliate marketing network that has great brand equity in the industry.

There are many big and popular brands in Rakuten’s advertising network, of course there will be many affiliate programs from those brands.

So, to earn money online with affiliate marketing, you only need to join those branded affiliate offers first, then you need to start creating relevant content for your affiliate offer.

For example, if you want to promote a Healthcare affiliate offering for a particular brand, you can create a website and post health-related content, which is the best option.

Or you can create a high-converting landing page based on that healthcare product or service, and you can run a paid campaign using Google Ads, Facebook Ads, Instagram ads, and more.

As you know, running paid campaigns is a paid method and you need to invest well in it.

But, if you are a beginner, you may not have enough budget to spend on these campaigns, in which case you can simply use the free method to promote affiliate offers on Rakuten Advertising.

Trust me, this Rakuten platform will help you a lot to master affiliate marketing and earn money from it easily.

Network information

  • Threshold: $50
  • Payment frequency – net 60 days
  • Payment Methods – Direct Deposit

7. ClickBank

ClickBank is an affiliate market similar to Amazon Associates (job system) in that there are many but digital products that you can promote.

The best part I like about ClickBank is that affiliate offers or products must be approved to promote, you just have to choose your links to promote, isn’t that great?

There are many brands or people who use their SAAS service or digital products on ClickBank and affiliates promote those digital products on ClickBank to earn high commission.

Yes, in ClickBank you are not going to get a very high percentage commission for every product you sell and this is the reason why most people recommend this platform.

Verification is required to be an affiliate on this platform, instead you need an email just to sign up.

Therefore, this is a complete platform for all beginners and professional affiliates who want to earn money or increase their profits through affiliate networks.

So, if you are looking for some of the best alternatives to ShareASale, then I would highly recommend this platform to you.

Network information

  • Threshold – $10
  • Payment frequency: 7 days or 14 days
  • Payment methods – Direct transfer

8. Digistore24

Let me say that Digistore24 is the same as ClickBank.

It’s also a good marketplace with lots of good and well-paying offers on digital products as well as some physical products.

Not only this, just like ClickBank, you will get instant approval in this marketplace, so you will be able to access your Digistore24 dashboard immediately.

The Digistore24 dashboard is one of my favorite affiliate dashboards because it’s so simple and attractive that it’s almost impossible for me to put it up, but I had to.

So, to make more money in your affiliate marketing career, you just need to come to this amazing network where you will get affiliate offers that can increase your income.

If you are new to this market and want to learn about it, then you don’t have to worry because there are many tutorials on the internet in this market that will help you become a Digistore24 master.

Network information

  • Threshold – 50 euros
  • Payment frequency: 7 days or 14 days
  • Payment Methods – Direct Deposit

9. WarriorPlus

WarriorPlus is also a good ShareASale alternative that will surely help you increase your online income.

First, let me clarify that you get instant approval for your affiliate account, it just means that your application will not be reviewed.

So it is very easy for beginners to join here.

WarriorPlus has many sellers or merchants who list their products or services on this platform.

Along with sellers, there are many affiliates like myself who just advertise these products or services to earn.

WarriorPlus has many features or options to help you find the best and top leading suppliers so that you can promote only those suppliers’ offers.

You can even filter the deal to find the best deal of the day or week, so this will give you some of the best deals with a lower conversion and bounce rate.

Products or services listed here, such as software, course

10. MaxBounty

MaxBounty is also one of my favorite affiliate networks because there are so many good and high paying offers.

Basically MazBounty has more CPA offers instead of CPS offers.

CPA stands for Cost Per Action, it means you will get a commission for every action a user takes on that website through your affiliate page.

For example: If someone follows your affiliate link and lands on that site, then if that visitor enters their email or phone or just tries the site, you’ll earn a commission.

This commission can be $1, $2, $3, $4…$10 or even more depending on the offer.

And this is known as CPA marketing which is actually a part of affiliate marketing.

There are also many CPA offers available on ShareASale, which is why MaxBounty also appears on this list of ShareASale alternatives.

To become a MaxBounty affiliate you need to apply. But you should also check by calling MaxBounty.

Within a few days of completing the application form, you will receive a call from MaxBounty (if your site is approved) simply asking a few questions about your affiliate marketing experience.

Don’t worry, if you have knowledge, they will also be approved by MaxBounty.

Network information

  • Threshold – $100
  • Payment frequency: weekly
  • Payment methods – Direct transfer

11. Skimlinks

I must say that Skimlinks should also enter this list of alternatives.

Skimlinks is also a good larger affiliate network with several advertisers listing their own affiliate programs.

There are over 60,000 publishers and over 48,000 advertisers, that just means there are over 48,000 affiliate offers for you.

Therefore, you can easily imagine how big this platform is.

Let me tell you that it hardly takes you 5 minutes to fill out the application to join this platform.

But, once you connect, it will ask you to insert Javascript code inside the body tag of your WordPress site in a few steps.

Believe me, this will to install code is also very easy and will take you only 2 minutes.

All you need to do is log in to your WP dashboard, then you need to go to the theme edit section, where you need to find the header.php section (on the right), then you need to paste that code. below, to the end of the body tags.

To be approved by this network, you need to do this simple task.

Watch a video about Skimlinks Affiliate Marketing Network

Network information

  • The threshold is $65
  • Payment frequency – end of every month
  • Payment Methods – PayPal/Direct Bank Transfer

12. Cluelinks

Cuelinks is one of the leading networks in India to help you monetize your website or YouTube channel content.

Since it is established in India, there are many good deals to promote in India and there are even many big brands like Flipkart, Myntra etc.

So, if you have an Amazon affiliate site or anything related to it, let me tell you that this platform will become a gold mine for your site, because with the help of it, you can increase your income.

Not only Amazon affiliate site, if you have any type of site that can be easily monetized with any Cuelinks offer, you can also earn more money.

So if you are a complete beginner in this world of affiliate marketing then this Cuelinks platform is just for you as it is easy to join and promote yourself.

Network information

  • Threshold- 500 INR
  • Payment Frequency: Every Friday
  • Payment methods – bank transfer

13. CPALead

CPLead is a CPA affiliate network that instantly validates your referral.

Let me tell you that CPALead has all kinds of offers: CPA, CPS, CPI, etc.

This particular platform is also very good and easy for beginners who are not approved by the big affiliate networks.

So all they can do is join for free and promote some of the best affiliate programs.

This platform has some features or you can call it options to help you earn more like content locker, ready to use templates for CPA offers etc.

All these materials will make your job easier when making landing pages and more. You can even block content to earn extra income.

Therefore, this is also an alternative that you are looking for on Google.

Network information

  • The threshold is $0.75
  • Payment Frequency: Daily payments
  • Payment Methods: PayPal, Payoneer, Bank Transfer, etc.

Tips to Make More Money on ShareASale

As I told you at the beginning of the article, I will also share with you some strategies or tips to earn more money on ShareASale.

So below are some of my personal strategies that I have experienced in affiliate marketing with ShareASale, so all you have to do is follow these tips to earn extra money.

Tip:1 Join Top & Famous brands

Because there are few merchants in ShareASale, but wait, all those merchant programs are not high converting and easy to promote.

So, if you are a beginner, you should choose only those merchants or brands that are well-known and have a good power range.

If you are promoting the offers of the best and famous merchants, it will be easier for you to advertise because those top merchants are already very popular in the market, so people will easily trust that particular merchant.

Therefore, to facilitate your advancement, you should choose higher power rank merchants. You can usually go with traders who have less than 1000 power ranks.

Tip:2 Promote High Paying Affiliate Programs

Along with top ranking power rankings, you should also focus on commission.

Some affiliate programs pay very high commissions while others pay lower commissions.

So, to earn more money, you just need to choose the affiliate offers that give you high commission.

Finding high paying affiliate programs on ShareASale is very easy, all you have to do is apply the filter and you will get them.

Tip:3 Provide value in your content

After choosing the affiliate programs you want to promote, you need to create content on your website or landing page.

But don’t forget to value your content because if you skip this part, you might not get conversions for your affiliate offer.

Since the audience is looking for value, therefore, you need to explain your offers to your visitors in detail.

FAQs on ShareASale Alternatives

1. Best Competitors of ShareASale?

So, if you want to know some of the main competitors of ShareASale, let me share with you:

1. Impact Radius
2. FlexOffers
3. Commission Junction
4. Rakuten Advertising
5. Awin

Apart from these, there are several other platforms that are the biggest competitors of this network.

2. What are the Top Affiliate Marketing Networks?

There are many networks for brands and affiliates in the world of affiliate marketing, some of the best are listed below.

1. FlexOffers
2. ShareASale
3. Impact Radius
4. ClickBank
5. Commission Junction
6. Amazon Associates
7. Awin
8. Digistore24
9. WarriorPlus
10. Rakuten Advertising

3. How to earn 1st $100 in Affiliate Marketing?

Getting started with affiliate marketing is easy, but making your first $100 can be difficult for a beginner like you.

So if you really want to earn first $100, you need to promote your affiliate site or landing page on Quora.

There you just have to answer the questions that are relevant to your niche. By doing this, you can easily drive traffic from Quora to your affiliate landing page.

Once you have traffic, you can easily generate affiliate sales.

4. How to get approved on ShareASale?

Trust me, it’s very easy.

All you need to do to get approved on ShareASale is follow these proven steps:

1. Make a website
2. Put content
3. Drive Traffic
4. Apply to ShareASale

5. Enjoy your approved account

These steps are my personal steps that helped me get your approval and InshaAllah will help you get approved too.

Conclusion (Final Words)

So it was all about this valuable article that I have shared with you based on my knowledge and experience in online marketing.

In this article, I have not only shared 10+ ShareASale alternatives, but also provided you with some tips to maximize your earnings from this network.

Now, I don’t think you’ll be looking any further on this particular topic because there’s so much to learn here.

So here I would like to give you a tip that you should also join some more networks so that you can have more chances to win.

Move along…







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