Physical Address

304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

MaxBounty Approval Method

Now this method doesn’t require anything more than common sense and will power to get it
done and Your Maxbounty Application is approved if you try.

Make sure to note each info being used in the application for MaxBounty. Just to be safe.
Create an email or use one if you have, any email can be used which you are using.

Use Your real info like Name, Address, City, Zip code, etc. Because they ask you to verify your account by government Issue id card or passport and you need to upload your documents.

Create a skype account with the Real info and email
Phone Number, now download a text/call app on your phone(example textplus,textme up) i
generally don’t like using my personal number but you can if you want.

Main Method

Next, think about a niche (example: health, Fitness, Dating, Vpn ) type health in the search bar, hit search and scroll
through the search results, and pick a website. I recommend going to the 2nd or 4th page, copy
their URL and use it as your own.

Start filling out the information according to MaxBounty. Upon the company name makeup
one example: JenrylRinui Retro. IMO it doesn’t really matter, just make something up.
On the last page of the application for experience select something along these lines of created
campaigns and have made little profit ‘intermediate’. When asked to describe past affiliate marketing
experience state different networks you worked with and how much you have earned.(example:
i promoted offers for name-of-network/s and have made ××× dollars with them for ××× amount
of time)

On that same page put together a little statement/paragraph about how you will be promoting
their offers, what type of traffic source, how many offers you will be testing (example: I will be
promoting xxxxx offers using ×××× traffic source …)

After sending through the application confirm your email with MaxBounty ou have to know at least the basics of affiliate marketing. I don’t know their series of questions for the
interview but for preparation know a few traffic sources you would use for example search,
social, native, etc. Type of offers you wish to promote and so on. This stage takes the extra effort
normally you might be on the phone for 5-10 minutes so you will need to know some aff
This concludes my MaxBounty application method. I hope this benefits whoever put it into

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