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Is Purple Garden a Trustworthy Psychic site to Use in 2023?

No one wants to be scammed out of their money by a fake psychic reader and if you’re wondering whether or not to use the Purple Garden app, you’ve found the right blog.

The truth is that Purple Garden’s site and app don’t exactly convince you it’s the most legit platform at first glance. But you shouldn’t judge a book by its cover. That’s why I took a closer look at their policies. Let’s dive in:

Is Purple Garden Trustworthy?

The reality is that Purple Garden doesn’t offer much information about its track record or history as a psychic reading platform. It doesn’t state anywhere how long the platform has been around and you won’t see any satisfaction guarantees, or customer testimonials describing the site. 

The psychic profiles seem to offer the most credibility across the site and app. You can see the year they joined, how many readings they have delivered, and their average star rating. Many of the platform’s psychics have given thousands of readings and still maintain a high average rating, which helped me feel a little more secure about how legit the app and site are.


Purple Garden Psychic Screening

Thankfully, Purple Garden does have an FAQ section on its website. One of these FAQs asks: how do I know if these are real psychics? 

While it’s a good sign that the platform is addressing this question, the answer isn’t ideal. The very first sentence states that Purple Garden makes “no guarantees” as to the accuracy of their readers and that the platform is for entertainment purposes only.

Purple Garden does, however, claim to screen its advisors before allowing them to join the platform. They must submit a video test reading, as well as a resume with qualifications and past experiences.

I reached out to customer support to see if they would be willing to offer me more details about this screening process, but their reply just repeated what’s already written in the FAQ section. (Bonus points, though, for their same-day reply).

Given the lack of detail around their screening processes, my recommendation is to make sure you thoroughly research any advisor you’re interested in connecting with on Purple Garden before entering into a paid session. There are plenty of reviews that you can read on each psychic’s bio (good and bad), so you should definitely start there.


Purple Garden Refund Policy

Since Purple Garden makes it clear that they make no guarantees as to the accuracy of their featured readers, it shouldn’t come as a big surprise that the platform also doesn’t offer any refunds. Instead, they suggest that users should hang up or end a chat with an advisor the moment that they feel that something is off and try another advisor.

It’s possible that you could get a refund issued if you experience a technical issue, but to be honest, you shouldn’t hold your breath. The platform’s whole approach to these situations seems to be “try at your own risk”.

Is Purple Garden Worth Your Time?

With limited information about psychic screening and no refund policy, you might be wondering if this platform is worth your time at all. Here’s the deal it may not be your first choice when it comes to a psychic reading site, but that doesn’t mean there’s nothing here for you.

First off, Purple Garden has a huge number of psychic readers. It’s like a giant directory of advisors and there are always a lot of them online to connect with. So if you have the time and enjoy the process of finding a unique psychic to connect with, you’ll have plenty of options.


Secondly, Purple Garden is one of those exceptions where the mobile app is much better than the desktop version of the platform. This makes it a great option for connecting with readers on the go. 

So while Purple Garden doesn’t offer the same assurances that you’ll find on other psychic reading sites, that doesn’t mean there aren’t talented, gifted readers on the platform. You just need to take the time to find them.

Explore Purple Garden

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