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Impact Radius vs Commission Junction (CJ) Affiliate Network

The best way to get started with affiliate marketing or earn more money with affiliate marketing is to join the best affiliate networks.

So that you can easily manage all the programs in one panel, thus making it easier for you.

Now the question is which is the best between Impact Radius vs Commission Junction? Well, in this article I am going to reveal the best network among them for you.

So, if you also want to know about the best affiliate marketing network between Impact Radius and Commission Junction, then this article is just for you, so you should read it till the end.

Why read this post?

  • A detailed comparison between Impact Radius and Commission Junction
  • Beginners guide to choose the best network
  • More about these 2 networks

Impact Radius vs Commission Junction (Overview)


Impact Radius is one of the largest, most powerful and most popular affiliate marketing networks or marketplaces.

It has a very large and strong network of affiliated companies and brands that work together in this network.

I have to say that Impact Radius is my personal favorite network, but don’t worry, I will give both networks a fair trial here in this comparison.

There are many large and high paying affiliate programs (brands) that also pay sales and also commission from leads.

To be an affiliate partner at Impact, you must apply and they will first review your application before being approved.

From my personal experience in this network, everything is working fine for me like sales, clicks, everything was fine along with the payment withdrawal process.

Commission Junction

Commision Junction also known as CJ affiliate is also a huge affiliate network with billions in revenue.

It is also a good and reliable network between advertisers (brands) and affiliates (publishers).

At CJ you will be able to find many affiliate programs from high paying and high profile advertisers.

I must say that CJ’s affiliate panel is very simple and easy to navigate, which is the best option for beginners.

The best part of this network is that it is one of the instant confirmation affiliate programs which means the commission loop gives you instant confirmation.

Therefore, this is also better for beginner affiliates.

Network Strength


We can check the power of the Impact network by checking the traffic of this platform and the total number of brands there.

Along with traffic, we’ll also learn about country and category rankings so we can get an idea of ​​the power of the Impact network.

According to Similarweb, the traffic of this network exceeds 1.6 million per month (worldwide).

From its traffic we can get an idea of ​​the strength and power of this work.

Along with this, there are more than 2,700 brands in their network, all of which are highly reputable and well-known in their field.

Commission Junction

Moving on to the power of the commission pass network, let me share it all with you.

It has more than 1.2 million monthly traffic on its network.

Now if I count the total number of advertisers on CJ, there are about 3000 advertisers, which is about the same as Impact.

Result: looking at the network strength of the two networks, Commission Junction clearly wins in this case.

Joining Network


To join the Impact Radius network, you just need to apply by filling out the application form.

After you apply, you must wait approximately 72 hours to receive your approval or denial letter.

In the application form you just have to fill 3 steps and in those 3 steps you just have to provide them some basic information like name, address, state, country, phone etc.

Along with the basic information, you should also give them some basic information, but don’t worry, they won’t ask you about your business.

They simply ask for your website URL (based on which they will approve you), your advertising methods, strategies, etc.

Commission Junction

Now, the simplest thing to do to join the commission union network is to simply join by completing the registration.

It’s as simple as 1, 2, 3.

After creating a free account on CJ, you need to activate your affiliate account to work on this network.

In order to activate your account, you need to provide them with certain information such as promotion methods, website URL, website type, and the main part is the tax form.

Although CJ instantly uploads your affiliate dashboard, they need your website so they can get an idea of ​​which source will promote the affiliate programs.

Make sure you fill out the tax form correctly, as only this will activate your affiliate account.

Result: Seeing the process of joining both networks, Commission Junction clearly wins in this case.


Dashboard (Clicks & Sales stats)


If I were to talk about Impact Radius vs Commission Junction, that would have to be the main factor.

If I am talking about the update time for your affiliate links and clicks, with Impact Radius it takes about 1-2 days for the affiliate panel to update.

For example, today’s commission and clicks will be updated tomorrow, which just means it tells you the data after 1 day.

But sometimes it may take about 2 days for the data to be updated on the dashboard if Impact Radius.

Commission Junction

As for the commission transition control panel, it is also very simple, easy to understand and easy to navigate.

That’s why their dashboard is better for all the beginners who don’t understand those complex and complicated affiliate dashboards.

It also takes 1 day to update the sales, buyers and clicks data in the dashboard, but it’s really easy to read this data.

Result: looking at the board for both networks, Commission Junction clearly wins in this case.

Finding best Brands


I have found many of the best popular and well paying affiliate programs on the Impact Radius market.

Along with the list of pay-per-sale offers, there were also many paying, pay-per-call affiliate programs that made it easier for budding affiliates to advertise and earn money.

To search for the best brand or affiliate program on Impact, you can apply some filters like pay per sale, pay per lead, category, commission, etc.

Applying these filters will provide you with many of the best affiliate programs in the group that you can join and start promoting.

Commission Junction

To get the best advertisers or affiliate programs on CJ, you need to go to the advertisers section first.

Then there you will see shows from some popular and featured advertisers.

But, if you are looking for some offers in your category or your industry, you can even do that by applying filters by country, category, commission type, etc.

You can get all the details by visiting each offer page.

But from my personal experience, there are startup friendly affiliate programs on CJ.

Result: looking at both networks’ branded affiliate programs, clearly Impact Radius wins this one.

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Getting Affiliate Links & Banners


All you need to promote any affiliate program is your affiliate links and banners.

Now with Impact Radius let me tell you that getting affiliate links and banners is as simple as 1, 2, 3 or maybe even easier than this.

To get links you need to go to your main dashboard of this network, then on the right side you just need to select the brand you want links from and click the generate button.

This will give you the affiliate links for that brand or affiliate program, now you need to start promoting it.

For banners, please visit the “Ads and Links” section below the content section.

Commission Junction

Creating affiliate links and banners with commission match is a bit complicated for you, even I get confused sometimes.

To get an affiliate link for a specific advertiser, you must first go to the advertiser section and then select the advertiser (for which you have approval).

Then you need to click on get links and then you need to search for links and wallpaper types.

Therefore, I find this whole process very complicated and time consuming.

Result: Looking at the process of getting affiliate links and banners from both networks, clearly Impact Radius wins this one.

Deep Linking


I have to say that this might be one of the most important factors in choosing the best between Impact Radius vs Commission Junction.

On Deep Link on Impact, you just need to go to the right side of your affiliate dashboard.

There you must first select the brand and in the next field put the URL of the page from which you want the affiliate link.

Then after doing that you just need to click the Create button, finally this will give you a deep link to that page.

Commission Junction

Let me tell you that deep linking in CJ affiliate is very difficult.

I need to google this process for this job.

After spending a few minutes googling, I find a detailed and valuable short article on deep linking on CJ.

To get a deep link from a specific advertiser, you must first get their approval, and then you must go to that advertiser’s main site.

Then you need to bookmark the generated CJ deep link, then when you enter that site, you need to click on the bookmark, it will give you the deep link of that page.

Isn’t it complicated?

Learn more about how to deepen your connection at CJ Affiliates.

Result: Looking at the deep link process between the two networks, Impact clearly wins in this case.

Withdrawing Payment


So, with this network, the process of withdrawing payments is very easy.

It offers you two ways to withdraw the payment, the first is PayPal and the other is Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) which simply means direct bank deposit.

Now it depends on what methods you choose to receive your payment from this network and let me tell you that both methods are very secure.

I personally use PayPal to withdraw my Impact payment, so I would recommend that you choose this method as well.

But anyway, you have to give them the TAX form, so you have to fill it out correctly.

I should also say that the threshold of this network is only $10.

Read more – Impact Radius payment methods and tax form (detail).

Commission Junction

Now, with this network, which is CJ, there is only one way to receive your payment.

The only method is direct bank transfer.

So, if you want to withdraw your payment from this network, all you have to do is fill in the tax form first.

Then you also need to provide them some details like your bank account number, routing number, account type.

After that, once your commission is approved and ready for disbursement, it will appear in your bank account, but it may take a few business days for it to reach your bank.

CJ’s threshold is at least $50, which is more than Impact.

Read More- CJ Affiliate Payment Method (Detail)

Result: seeing the checkout process of both networks, clearly Impact Radius wins in this case.

Filling TAX Form


Now we can also compare commission cut and strike radius based on the process of completing a tax or information form.

First of all, I must say that filling out this form is mandatory.

In case of Impact, TAX Form filling will not take more than 5 minutes, there you have to provide them your name, citizenship, country of residence, state, address, PAN card number etc.

Along with this you have to provide your digital signature and then after filling all that information you have to submit the Tax Form.

Commission Junction

Now comes the CJ TAX Form which is very popular as it is a bit difficult to fill.

If you do not fill it in correctly, your affiliate account will not be activated, so be careful.

There also you have to provide them some information like your name, address, PAN card, citizenship etc. but you have to give signature in form of your name (not digital) as well.

Result: looking at the tax pattern of both networks, clearly Impact Radius wins in this case.

Page speed experience


Now this may be a new factor to you when judging two affiliate networks, but it is an important one.

If you have visited the Impact Radius affiliate dashboard, you should experience good page speed.

You will be able to easily navigate from one page to another, quickly.

This is one of the parts I like about this network.

Commission Junction

If I talk about the page speed of CJ affiliate dashboard, it is not good.

If you have used CJ’s main website or affiliate panel, you must feel that the page takes a long time to load.

Sometimes the main CJ website doesn’t open right away, sometimes it even shows an error, which is very scary.

So if you look at it from a page speed perspective, CJ needs a lot of improvement.

Result: looking at the page speed of both networks, clearly Impact wins in this case.

Who is the Winner?

After comparing the stroke radius and commission crossover on many factors, it’s finally time to choose the winner, I mean choose the best net for you.

Since you read this article, Impact wins in most cases, so I must say that Impact Radius is the best affiliate network compared to Commission Junction.

Now that doesn’t mean CJ’s branch is the worst or that he won’t win, no this result doesn’t mean that.

It just means that CJ is good too, but compared to Impact, he’s a little hard to work with, understand, or beat.

Which one is my Favourite?

Along with these two networks, there are many networks like ShareASale, FlexOffers, MaxBounty, Awin, etc.

If I talk about my favorite affiliate marketing network, it is definitely Impact Radius.

The reason they are a favorite is because they have many of the CPS and CPA affiliate programs, their control panel and interface are amazing, and they are also very easy to work with.

Therefore, my first choice and recommendations will always be Impact.

Frequently Asked Question on Impact Radius vs Commission Junction

1. What are the highest paying affiliate programs?

There are many affiliate marketing programs that pay a lot, so let me share with you some of the best.

2.WP engine
5. Fresh books
6. Host Blue
7. Get a response
8. accommodation A2
9. Send Blue
10. Host

2. Which is the best affiliate network and why?

If you are asking me this question, I must say that Impact Radius is the best affiliate network for beginners and advanced.

Along with that, there are also many like ShareASale, FlexOffers, Commission Junction, MaxBounty and more.

3. What makes a good affiliate network?

A well-connected network is one that has the following characteristics or things:

1. Easy to use affiliate panel
2. It’s easy to get affiliate links
3. Quick deep link
4. Multiple Payment Withdrawal Methods
5. Good contact support

4. How can I increase my affiliate sales?

To increase your affiliate sales, first you need to choose the best and highest paying offer, then you need to target the right audience for that offer.

Now you just need to promote that offer on your website or if you have the budget you can use paid marketing to get more sales.

Also, you can do Quora marketing to get free, targeted traffic to your affiliate offer.

5. How to make the first $100 in affiliate marketing?

To earn your first $100 in affiliate marketing you can use email marketing, quora marketing or the best option is to create a website and generate traffic.

Final Words

Finally, this is the end of the detailed comparison of Impact Radius vs Commission Junction networks.

Here in this article, I have compared these two networks based on some reasonable factors and hence come to the conclusion that Impact is indeed better than CJ.

However, CJ is also a popular and reliable platform from which you can also earn money.


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