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Learn How To Use Impact Radius Affiliate Network In 8 Steps

It has many affiliate programs from many brands that pay well and better so you can become their affiliate member and earn money by promoting their offer.

I have more than 6 months experience with Impact Radius and my experience was amazing and I am 100% satisfied with this network and Alhamdulillah I can earn from this network.

So if you want to know what Impact is and how to use the Impact Radius Network so you too can start affiliate marketing and make money online.

So all you have to do is just follow this detailed article where you learn how to use the Impact network and how to make money from it.

Impact Radius Review

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Why Read this Article?

  • Beginners guide to use Impact Radius
  • Why use Impact
  • Guide to Affiliate Marketing
  • Much more valuable content

What is Impact Radius & How it works?

Impact Radius is an affiliate network or marketplace where many brands or advertisers list their affiliate programs or offers.

Affiliates simply join this affiliate network and then join the programs they are interested in promoting, this is how Impact Affiliates earn money.

Impact charges affiliates a 2% fee for each payout and also charges brands to list their affiliate programs.

So Impact works and makes money.

How To Use Impact Radius (8 steps)

Now it’s time to tell you how you can use Impact. So here are just 8 steps and I am sure that by following these 8 steps you will be able to benefit as well as earn from this network.

So, without going into another topic, let’s start with our main topic, why are you here?

Step: 1 Become its Affiliate member

The first step you need to take is to simply become their affiliate member by simply joining their affiliate network.

For this, you need to fill out an application form where you have to provide them with certain information.

There you have to provide basic information like name, email, address, country, phone etc. and along with that you also need to provide them with your website information.

Joining Impact is a very easy process, it won’t take more than 5 minutes.

Join Impact Radius Now


Join Now

Once you apply for Impact, your application will be reviewed and they will review your application within 72 hours.

In my experience, it can sometimes take up to 14 days to review your application, so please be patient.

Step: 2 Apply for Best Affiliate Programs

Once you’ve been approved by Impact Radius, you’ll need to learn how to apply for the brand’s affiliate program.

To make money online with affiliate marketing, you just need some of the best and best paying affiliate programs to promote and earn money.

At Impact you will also find many of the best high paying and instant confirmation affiliate programs that you can easily promote.

To get the best offers you need to go to the brands section and there you will find many brands listed on offer.

Now it is completely up to you which category brands you choose like Healthcare, Residential, Market, Education, Travel, Pets, Home & Garden, Internet Services etc.

After selecting the offer you want to join, you just need to apply for it by clicking the Apply button.

Before applying, you’ll be able to see a box where you can provide brands with your website details, promotional strategies, and more to increase their endorsement.

After applying for brands you have to wait for few days, you will get updates via email and the days in this network depends on the brand.

Step: 3 Pick affiliate links

After getting approved by several brands, you should also learn how to use Impact Radius affiliate links.

Now the main step you need to take after joining multiple brands is simply choosing the affiliate links to promote.

Let me tell you, it’s very easy to get affiliate links and banners on Impact Radius, all you need to do is just go to your dashboard home page.

Then you should look to the right, there you will find a box.

Then you have to select the brand and the next field is optional, if you want to link specifically to a page, you can put the URL of that page there, this is basically a deep link.

After selecting the brands, you just need to click the Create button and it will give you your default affiliate link.

Now, to get the wallpapers, you need to go to the “Ads and Links” section, which is found

Step: 4 Make a niche Website

Now I have to say that this is the main step you need to take to make money with affiliate marketing.

All you need to promote any affiliate program is a website, so you should create your own quality website.

Make sure your website is related to the niche, you should post content in a niche like health, education, digital marketing, travel etc.

But to build a fast and good website, you need a fast and secure web hosting, everyone knows that.

Therefore, here in this case I would like to recommend you the web hosting that I personally use and that is Hostinger.

This website ( is proudly hosted by Hostinger.

I have more than 1 year hosting experience from Hostinger and I am satisfied with their services, so I would like to rate it 10/10.

Here are some reasons to choose Hostinger:

Why choose Hostinger?

  • Best affordable web hosting provider
  • Get 24X7 contact support
  • Get very fast website speed
  • Get website security
  • Easy to use hPanel
  • 30 days money-back guarantee

As you can see below, it’s the GT Metrix data for the speed of this website hosted on Hostinger.

Step: 5 Put content to promote affiliate programs

Now that you have a niche website, the next step you need to take is to post content related to your affiliate offers that you want to promote on your site.

As everyone has heard that content is king, therefore you must include quality content on your website.

So, first of all you should choose the affiliate offers and then start writing blog posts about them.

For example: If you want to promote a Hostinger affiliate, you can write an article on “How to Create a Website with Hostinger” or “Sitegroud vs Hostinger” etc.

While writing articles, you should also do on-page SEO for your blog posts so they can rank in Google and get traffic.

Step: 6 Drive Traffic to your website

I always say that “if content is king, then traffic is the theme” because without content, the king is nothing.

The point is that you need to get traffic to your website in order to generate sales in affiliate marketing.

As you all know, there are many ways you can drive traffic to your website.

So let me share some of the best ways to drive traffic to your website.

  • SEO – In this case, you need to optimize your blog posts so that they can be ranked in Google.
  • Quora – Here you have to answer questions related to your niche so you can get traffic.
  • Paid Advertising – If you have enough budget, you can run ads to get paid traffic instantly.
  • Email Marketing – Here you need to create an email list and then you need to send them mass emails.
  • Social Media – It’s very simple, you just need to share your website content on every social media platform to get traffic.

Step: 7 Be Patient and track your sales

After this, you have to be very patient, because sales will not come immediately.

As everyone knows it takes time for your website to rank in Google and affiliate marketing is not a get rich quick method so it will definitely take its place.

So all you need to do at your end is to post more and more content on your website and do proper on-page and off-page SEO.

Along with this, don’t forget to promote on social media and Quora.

You can easily track your affiliate sales or leads in the Impact Radius dashboard.

Step: 8 Withdraw your affiliate payment

To fully understand how to use Impact Radius, you must also know how to withdraw your payment from this network.

Let me say that the process of withdrawing payments on this network is very easy, so let me explain.

There are basically 2 ways to withdraw your winnings.

Method: 1 Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT)
With this method, you just need to provide them with your bank details such as account number, account country, routing number, etc.

With this method, you will receive your payment directly in your bank’s country.

To receive your payment via EFT, simply follow the image below.


Method:2 PayPal

This is another and my personal favorite way to withdraw payment.

Let me tell you that I personally use PayPal to receive my earnings.

If you want to get paid, you just need to give them your PayPal email address and nothing else.

Why to use Impact Radius

Now, with the “how to use”, let me share your “why to use” impact.

So here are some of the best reasons to use Impact as your number one affiliate marketing network.

1. Biggest Affiliate network

Based on my experience and the strength of the network, I have to say that Impact Radius is the largest affiliate network with thousands of brands.

Those brands have many affiliate programs that also pay very well and are reliable, making it the best option for all affiliates.

2. Easy to navigate and use

Let me also say that Impact is also very easy to navigate and use.

Their affiliate dashboard is very beginner friendly and easy to read.

It shows you the most accurate data about your link clicks, leads and sales, making it easy for beginners to understand everything quickly.

It is also very easy to create deep links and get affiliate banners.

3. High Paying affiliate programs

If you scroll through the brands section of this network, you will see that there are many categories in which you will get many affiliate programs.

If you check out some affiliate programs, you will find that they actually pay you a high payout, like $100 per sale, $200 per sale, 70% per sale, etc.

Along with the sales commission, there are also many offers that pay you a basic commission as well, such as SEMrush, Pluralsight, Skillshare, and Linkedin Learning, so you can make quick money in this network.

4. Easy to withdraw payment

If I talk about the process of withdrawing payments, let me also say that it is also very good to receive your payment from this network to your bank account.

You can choose Direct Bank Transfer which is EFT or you can choose PayPal, both ways are secure.

Should not use Impact in these cases:

Let me inform you that there are cases when you should never use Impact. Let’s understand this in more detail.

1. Planning to use Micro-Freelancer sites

If you plan to promote Impact affiliate programs on micro-freelancing sites, then let me tell you that you will lose your affiliate account along with the earnings on it.

I have seen many people who promote affiliate offers on these types of micro-freelancing sites and the result is that their account gets locked and they lose all affiliate earnings on it.

So if you want to keep your affiliate account safe, I would like to give you a pro tip that you should never use this method because it is illegal.

2. Planning to bring Fake leads or sales

Alternatively, if you plan to falsely or indirectly link to Impact’s brands, you will also lose your affiliate account.

All the brands listed their offer to get real and targeted leads so they can get real customers, if you give them fake links they won’t make profit, so they will ban your account.

Therefore, you should only generate leads or actual sales by promoting in the right way.

3. Planning to use your own affiliate links

Apart from this, if you also plan to use your own affiliate links to buy any plan or product from a particular brand, let me inform you that they will track this activity and you may not get any commission.

If received, the commission will not be confirmed and your affiliate account may be suspended.

I have seen many people who register their account to get commission from leads and the result is their account gets suspended.

So be aware.

Frequently asked questions on ‘How To Use Impact Radius’

1. Best brands on Impact Radius?

So if I’m talking about the best Impact brands or affiliate programs, let me share with you some of the best.

2. Hostinger
3. Envato
4. Host Blue
5. Apsumo
7. Share skills
8. Learning on Linkedin
9. Plural vision
10. .com domain

Apart from these brands, there are many better brands in each category.

2. Which platform is best for affiliate marketing?

There are much better platforms or networks to do affiliate marketing and make money from it.

Let me share with you the list of best and trusted affiliate marketing platforms.

1. The radius of influence
2. Share the sale
3. Flexible offers
4. Commission transition
5. Amazon Associates
6. Click Bank
7. Digistor24
8. Warrior Plus
9. JVZoo
10. Avin

3. How does Impact affiliate works?

As everyone knows, Impact is an affiliate network.

It is basically a network that connects many brands and affiliates.

Affiliates promote the brands affiliate program and thereby earn commissions, and in return the brands receive targeted sales and customers.

Brand Influence Fees for listing their offerings in their marketplace.

So this is how Impact Radius works.

Final Statement

Now I hope I can explain to you in detail how to use the Impact Radius network so that you too can start using it to make money online.

In this more detailed article, I have explained in detail how you can take advantage of this network and start promoting better offers.

Along with that, I’ve also shared some cases where you shouldn’t use Impact, such as illegal methods or micro-freelancing sites.

Let me assure you that if you join this network regularly and properly, you can also make a very good profit.









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