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How to Get Approved on ShareASale (In 13 Minutes)

But let me give you a brief introduction to the ShareASale affiliate marketing network.

ShareASale is an affiliate marketing network with a large network of advertisers and affiliates. Some people join as affiliates and promote products or services of different brands to earn money from affiliate marketing.

So, if you also want to know how to get approved on ShareASale, trust me, this valuable article is for you.

In this article I will give you a very practical step by step guide on how to get ShareASale approved and not only this, I will tell you more about ShareASale so that you can also earn good money online.

First, I’ll show you how I get approved in just 13 minutes, I’ll reveal all the strategies I use to get approved in the ShareASale affiliate marketing network.

So let’s get started with this great guide…

How I Get Approved in just 13 minutes

Before I get to the article, let me first tell you how I got approved in just 13 minutes so you can believe me and motivate yourself to do it.

So when I applied for ShareASale, I got this simple email in my inbox: “your application has been received and is under review“.

After applying for ShareASale

After 13 minutes

Just 13 minutes after applying to ShareASale, I received this email in my inbox that says “welcome to ShareASale Affiliate Marketing Network“, Alhamdulillah.

This email made my day because from now on I can also earn from this awesome affiliate network.

How to Get Approved on ShareASale (5 steps)

Now from here you will get a complete step by step guide so that you too can get approved on ShareASale.

So for that all you have to do is just follow these steps and then start implementing and it will give you results InshaAllah.

Step:1 Make a Website

To get approved by ShareASale, the first thing you need to do is create a website.

I’m not telling you to learn how to program and code your own website, you just need to create a WordPress website.

So, as everyone knows, to create a WordPress website, you need a hosting and a domain name, and that’s it.

So, if you buy a good hosting, you will also get a free domain name for 1 year.

Now I know that there are many hosting providers in the market and not all of them are very good and I also know that you are a beginner and want to buy the best available hosting for your website.

Therefore, in this case, I would like to recommend Hostinger hosting to create a fast WP website.

Speed ​​of my website ( hosted on Hostinger (GT Metrix Data)

Therefore, I recommend you to choose Hostinger hosting.

If you want to create your own WordPress site, follow this link:

Step:2 Put content

Now after making a good website, you just need to put content on it so that you can develop your website.

So for that you just need to publish blog posts in a particular niche.

For example: If you see my website on this website, I post content on the site, such as affiliate marketing content, blogs, etc.

You just need to do the same thing, choose your niche and then start posting content on your website.

Step:3 Drive Traffic to website

After you have posted some content on your site, you also need to navigate to your website.

Now if I were to tell you the best way to drive free traffic to your website is SEO (Search Engine Optimization).

As you know, to get traffic through SEO, you just need to SEO your content while writing it so that it can be ranked in Google and easily get free traffic for your website.

Alternative methods to drive free traffic:


I am sure you may be aware of Quora.

Quora is a QnA site where many people ask questions in almost every category.

So, all you have to do is just answer the questions that are related to the content of your niche.

For example, on Quora I answer questions about blogging, affiliate marketing, email marketing, SEO, WordPress, and more.

So you just have to do the same thing and that’s the answer to the questions.

Apart from answering questions, you can create your own Quora space so that you can build an audience on it and easily get free traffic from it to your website.

Some more powerful ways to get free traffic to your website:

Step:4 Apply for ShareASale Affiliate

Now, after creating a website with some content, all you need to do is apply for a ShareASale membership.

I am sure you may know some steps to complete while applying for ShareASale. So from here I will show you in a practical way how to properly claim ShareASale.

So for this you need to login to ShareASale first and then register as an affiliate.

1. Set Login details

Once you click on Register as Affiliate, you will be redirected to this page where you just need to complete step 1 which is to add your login information.

After successfully adding all the details, click on Step 2 button.


2. Set Basic information

You will now come to the step 2 page where you will need to provide some basic information such as the address of your website that you want to advertise on.


Once approved by ShareASale, you can promote any affiliate program through any source. But make sure you provide that source in the website section (located in the account section).

After providing all details just click on Step 3 button.


3. Add email address

Now, in step 3, you need to provide them with your email address.

Now you are not required to provide your company email. address, you can also provide your Gmail email address. the address.


If you provide your business email address (which is linked to your website), you can get approved quickly.


4. Set contact information

After going to step 4, you will need to provide your contact information such as your name, address, phone number, city, etc.

After providing them with your contact information, you need to scroll down and then you can see two more options that you need to fill.


Be sure to check these boxes based on your website information.

After that you just need to proceed to the last step which is step 5.

5. Set Payment information

Now, step 5 is the last step you need to take to submit your application to ShareASale to join as an affiliate.

In this step you just need to choose the payment method and I think this is the most important part for you.

But I will recommend you to check the “Choose later” box and just click the complete registration button.

As, we can set these details, once we get approved on ShareASale.

After that, they will simply ask you to confirm your email address that you provided earlier.

After confirming the email, your ShareASale app will be successfully submitted. Now you just need to wait 3-5 business days as they say in your email.

Get Approved by Merchants inside ShareASale?

Now there are many people who easily get approval from ShareASale but they can’t get approval from merchants who integrate it.

As you all know, I have a YouTube channel and many of my subscribers are facing the same problem that they are not getting verified by merchants.

Don’t worry, I will share with you my personal strategy that helps me get approval easily even from traders.

1. Focus on your website

So, first of all, you should focus more on the content and quality of your website. Because all merchants see only your website.

Your site should be niche specific, don’t try to write for multiple niches. Just focus on one, stick to it and post more quality content.

2. Apply for the Merchant

Now you just need to contact the merchant you want to confirm with.

When applying, ShareASale will ask you to inform the seller about your advertising strategies, marketing plans, your website, etc.

So you have to do the same thing, in that box there you have to tell the seller about your website, your marketing strategies, etc.

This will make a good impression on the seller and increase your chances of being approved by that seller.

3. Contact it

So, once you’ve applied to that merchant, you can either wait for their email.

After applying, you should contact that merchant and try to convince them so that they can get your approval easily and as soon as possible.

You can simply do this by opening the page for that seller and there you will find the contact option below.



What after getting Approved?

After getting established in ShareASale, the main thing you need to do is to find the best and best affiliate programs so that you can apply to join and promote it to earn affiliate marketing commission.

There are over 16,000 merchants on ShareASale, which means there are over 16,000 affiliate programs on ShareASale that you can implement and promote.

But, all those affiliate offers are not good, so as a beginner, I would advise you to choose only those offers that are easy to promote and pay enough commission.

ShareASale to make it easy to make money online with affiliate marketing.

How to get approved on ShareASale without website?

If you don’t have a website, there are still a few methods you can follow to get established on ShareASale without a website.

NOTE: Let me inform you that you can be approved by the ShareASale network without a website, but you will never be approved by ShareASale merchants without a website.

Because those merchants give you their endorsement by reviewing your site.

You can only join Instant Confirmation affiliate programs found on ShareASale.

So, let me reveal some methods.

Method-1 With a YouTube channel

A YouTube channel with many subscribers works well instead of a website.

So, if you have a YouTube channel with a large number of subscribers, you can apply for ShareASale to get approved.

This network doesn’t need a fixed number of subscribers to endorse you, but based on my knowledge and experience, you should have at least 1K-2K subscribers with good content.

Method-2 With a Medium blog

Creating a medium blog is one of the easiest things you can do to get established.

This Medium blog will look like your own website or blog, but if you buy this blog with Medium, you will get a Medium subdomain that you should use.

Now all you have to do is create a Medium blog for free and then apply to ShareASale to become their affiliate member and Insha’Allah you will be approved.

Method-3 With a Tumblr blog

A Tumblr blog and a Medium blog are basically the same thing and also do the same job of getting any endorsements from any network or program.

Since you are aware of the fact that Tumblr is one of the biggest social media platforms, you should take advantage of it.

You just need to create a simple blog on Tumblr and then post good quality blogs on it.

Then you are free to apply to this affiliate network.

Method-4 With a Quora Profile/Space

Well, this is one of my favorite methods of no site verification on ShareASale.

As you know, there is no platform like Quora.

Now all you have to do is create a solid Quora profile or space.

You just need to post good content on your Quora profile or space according to your niche and then you will get views on Quora after increasing your space views or profile followers.

10 Best Paying Affiliate Programs on ShareASale

As I said before, in addition to getting approved on ShareASale, I will also tell you more about the ShareASale network.

As everyone knows, it is very difficult to find the best offers for you among different affiliate programs.

To make your work easier, I will tell you the top 10 highest paying affiliate programs of ShareASale so that you can easily join them and promote them to earn a lot of affiliate marketing commission.

These 5 affiliate offers are real offers that actually pay you, and not only that, but they are also easy for you to promote.

1. SEMRush

SEMRush is primarily an SEO and keyword research tool that helps you eliminate non-competitive keywords and SEO your website to rank easily on Google.

SEMRush Affiliate Program

  • Per Sale- $200
  • Per Trial- $10
  • Per Lead- $0.01
  • Power Rank- 180

2. Freshbooks

FreshBooks is a provider of accounting, billing and bill payment services. This software is used by small and medium business owners to manage their business accounting activities.

FreshBooks Affiliate Program

  • Per Sale- $55-$200
  • Per Lead- $5-$10
  • Power Rank- 26

3. WP Engine

WP Engine is a WordPress hosting provider that offers WP hosting to individuals or businesses looking for WP hosting for their own or their clients’ websites.

WP Engine Affiliate Program

  • Per Sale- $35-$200
  • Per lead- $0.01
  • Power Rank- 700

4. Gusto

Gusto also provides accounting, employee scheduling and time management services. These services are used by small and medium businesses for time management, employee maintenance, and more.

Gusto Affiliate Program

  • Per Sale- $100
  • Per Lead-$0
  • Power Rank- 4

5. Grammarly

Grammarly is the best grammar and writing helper tool used by almost all bloggers, freelancers, freelancers or those writing online work.

Grammarly Affiliate Program

  • Per Sale- $20
  • Per Lead- $0.20
  • Power Rank- 1000+

6. Homebase

Homebase is also similar to Freshbooks and Gusto. It is a provider of accounting services such as time management, employee scheduling and more. for small and medium businesses.

Homebase Affiliate Program

  • Per Sale- $0
  • Per Lead- $10
  • Power Rank- 264

7. Pet Pharm Canada

Pet Pharm Canada is a pet health program that has products such as certain medications to help keep your pet healthy and fit. Therefore, this offer is easy to promote.

Pet Pharm Canada Affiliate Program

  • Per Sale- 12%
  • Per Lead- $12
  • Power Rank- 66

8. Shift4Shop

Shift4Shop is an eCommerce store building platform that helps an individual or small business to set up their own eCommerce store and sell their products online.

Shift4shop affiliate program

  • Per Sale- $100
  • Per Lead- $5
  • Power Rank- 407

9. Optinmonster

Optinmonster is one of the best lead generation software that helps blog or website owners to collect emails from their website visitors by displaying some popups, floating bars or other CTA popups etc.

Optinmonster affiliate program

  • Per Sale- 20%
  • Per Lead- $0
  • Power Rank- 624

10. Survey junkie

Survey Junkie is different from all previous offerings. It is a survey site through which people can take surveys and earn money online. It is a country limited affiliate offer.

Survey Junkie Affiliate Program:

  • Per Sale- $0
  • Per Lead- $2
  • Power Rank- 998

Secret Tip to find Best offers on ShareASale

As I told you earlier, all the affiliate offers that are on ShareASale are not good enough to promote a beginner like you.

Now let me also give you a secret tip to find the best affiliate offers on ShareASale to help you find the best one so that you can easily promote them and earn money online.

After receiving approval from the ShareASale affiliate network, you will receive your affiliate dashboard.

So when you’re in your ShareASale dashboard, to search for merchants or affiliate programs, you’ll need to search for merchants listed in the sellers section (as you can see in the top navigation bar).

There you will see Featured Categories which contain options like New Programs, Power Rank, Marketing Calendar and more.

So all you have to do is just click on the Power Rank option and it will filter the list of traders based on their Power Rank.

Now the affiliate or merchant offers you see now are good and easy to promote because they are the best affiliate offers on ShareASale.


A merchant who has a power rank below 1000 means their affiliate offer is good and easy to promote.

How to withdraw Payment

Now many people are googling how to chargeback from ShareASale affiliate market. Don’t worry, you will find out only in this article.

For this, you just need to go to “Payment Settings” under “Payments” (as you can see at the top of the navigation bar)

Now, first of all you need to set the threshold, by default it is set to $50. If you want to increase the limit, you can even do that.

However, I would recommend letting the threshold be set at $50, as this will make it easier to withdraw your earnings sooner.

Then you have to choose the payment method through which you can withdraw your earnings. For this, you just need to click to change the payment settings.

Now you need to choose the source from which you want to get your affiliate marketing income.

There are many sources through which you can easily withdraw your payment to your bank account.

Sources to withdraw payment from ShareASale

  • Payoneer
  • Direct Deposit
  • Mailed Check
  • Wire Transfer

So it totally depends on choosing the best payment method that you feel comfortable with.

Let me also tell you that ShareASale releases its affiliate payouts on the 20th of every month.

So if your commission (found in your dashboard) is approved, you will receive your earnings within 3-5 business days after ShareASale publishes them on the 20th.

NOTE: After ShareASale pays Payoneer to your bank account, it takes 3-5 business days for the payment to reach your bank account.

My last month earnings from ShareASale (Motivation 🔥)

So, just to encourage you to join the ShareASale affiliate network today, I’d like to share my earnings from ShareASale for the last month.

To be honest, I have two ShareASale accounts and I can earn from both, Alhamdulillah.

Below is the earning from my Primary account:

Total Earnings- $116.02

Total winnings: $100.00

Below is the earning from my Secondary account:

So based on this data, my income from ShareASale for the month of August is a total of $216.02.

Now, if you work hard and smart, you can easily earn more. believe me.

For this, you just need to follow all the steps that I have mentioned in this article.

FAQs on ‘ How to Get Approved on ShareASale’

1. Do you need a website for ShareASale network?

So, if you ask me this question, I will simply tell you that yes, you need a website for ShareASale verification.

In addition to your website, if you have another source of content, such as a well-maintained YouTube channel or social media page, you can get approved.

But, to be approved for affiliate programs within ShareASale, you need a website for that.

2. How do I get approved for affiliate programs?

Well, in this article I have only addressed this question. So let me quickly summarize it.

Here are some working steps:

1. Make a website
2. Put content
3. Drive Traffic
4. Apply for ShareASale

3. Best Affiliate Programs on ShareASale?

ShareASale has over 16,000 affiliate programs, so it’s hard to find the best ones.

Let us make your job easier by sharing with you some of the best ShareASale affiliate programs:

1. SEMRush
2. Freshbooks
3. WP Engine
4. Gusto
5. Grammarly

4. Is ShareASale free for Affiliates?

The simple answer to this simple question is Yes, it is free for all affiliates.

If you want to become their affiliates, you just need to apply and wait for their approval.

5. Is ShareASale Safe?

Yes of course it is 100% safe. I even got paid from ShareASale as I already showed you above.


So let me tell you that this is the last section of this article.

Now, after receiving such valuable content, I don’t think I’ll ever google “How to get approved for ShareASale” again, because in this article I’ve shared all the strategies I’ve used.

So, if you follow all the steps and strategies that I have shared with you in this content, then I think you will easily get established in ShareASale affiliate marketing network, InshaAllah.

The main thing you should focus on the most is your website because they only see your website. So be aware.

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