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How To Get Approved on FlexOffers Affiliate (Ultimate Guide)

But as everyone knows, the big problem with affiliate networks is that beginners don’t get approved easily.

Similarly, people find it difficult to confirm FlexOffers from the network because they are not applied correctly or from the right source.

But, if you also want to know how to get FlexOffers approval as soon as possible, then all you have to do is follow the most detailed and definitive guide.

Here I am going to share with you my personal strategies that I use when applying it and the reason why I have been approved.

Let me tell you that if you follow all the steps given in this article, you too will easily get FlexOffers approval without much work.

So let’s get started with this ultimate guide.

Why Read this Post?

  • A detailed ultimate guide on FlexOffers Approval
  • Beginners guide to FlexOffers Affiliate Marketing
  • Alternatives of FlexOffers
  • Best Affiliate offers over here
  • FlexOffers Earnings Proof

What FlexOffers actually is?

FlexOffers is a large and popular affiliate network with a very large, functional and reliable network of thousands of publishers and advertisers.

Advertisers list their affiliate programs on this network, publishers simply join these offers to promote them and earn money from them online.

Therefore, FlexOffers is a platform or a way to connect these two types of people.

So to earn more from affiliate marketing you need to join this network and to join you need to apply.

How To Get Approved on FlexOffers (Ultimate Guide)

Step:1 Make a Good Website

As I already told you, you need a good quality website to get approved by FloexOffers.

Therefore, it is necessary to create a quality and fast website before applying.

So, to create a fast website, you only need a fast web hosting and here I would like to recommend you Hostinger hosting which I personally use.

Now there is a good question as to why you should go with Hostinger hosting alone, so here are some compelling reasons to focus on:

Why choose hostinger hosting?

  • Very Fast website speed
  • High security of websites
  • Free SSL and Domain name
  • 24X7 reliable contact support
  • Easy to use and navigate hPanel

Let me also say that this website ( is also hosted on Hostinger and I have more than 1 year of experience with this Hostinger hosting.

Based on my personal experience, I recommend this great hosting.

Below you can see the speed of this site tested by GT Metrix.

So, after seeing all the features and speed of the website, I must say that Hostinger is the best option for you and you should choose this hosting to build your own website.

Make Your Own Website Now!

Start Now!

Step:2 Put Quality Content on it

So once you have a website, now to do it right you need to put quality content on it.

As everyone knows that “content is king”, so it is well said and based on the content of their website, FlexOffers has gone for it.

Therefore, you should focus more on the content of your website.

But first of all, you should choose a profitable niche and you should only write content in that niche.

For example, if you decide to write about digital marketing, you should only write content related to it, don’t try to write content that doesn’t come under digital marketing.

Don’t even try to make the mistake of writing content in multiple niches like health, sports, motivation, etc.

Step: 3 Drive destination charge

If content is king, traffic is the problem. All you need is a large amount of traffic to your website to be approved by FlexOffers.

Now while posting content on your website just make sure that you optimize that content according to search engine like Google so that it can be ranked in Google which is called On Page SEO.

SEO will get you massive, targeted traffic for free.

As you know, there are more ways to drive traffic to your website besides SEO.

So here are some of the top ways to drive traffic to your website:

  • Quora Marketing
  • Email Marketing
  • Social Media
  • Paid Marketing

So, once you get some traffic to your website, you can apply for FlexOffers.

Step:4 Apply to join FlexOffers

Now, if you really want to know how to get approved at FlexOffers, let me tell you, the hard work starts here.

So all you have to do is just apply to this network.

Now here I have the ultimate guide to apply for FlexOffers, so all you have to do is just follow these steps correctly to get approved.

For this you need to login to FlexOffers and click on the register button, now you need to register as an affiliate.

1. Basic Information

The first thing you need to fill out is to provide them with some basic information like name, email, password, etc.

After that, you must agree to their terms and click the continue button to continue.

2. Verrify Email Address

After completing the first step, all you need to do is verify your email address.

You will now receive a confirmation email in your inbox, you just need to confirm your email by following that email.

If the email does not reach your inbox, please make sure that the email you provided is correct.

So first you need to check your email.

3. Login to FlexOffers

After confirming your email, it will now simply take you to the login page where you will need to log in to your FlexOffers account to complete the additional process.

Once you’re logged in, you’ll need to complete a few more steps before your application can be reviewed.

Therefore, you must log in there with the same email and password that you entered when registering on this network.

3. Login to FlexOffers

After logging into your account, you must provide them with your company information.

Don’t worry, they won’t ask you for hard information, they just want your phone number, address, country, state, and your company name.

In the Company Name section, you can provide them with the name of your website.

After filling all the information correctly, please double check this information and after that you should follow the Continue button.

5. Choose a Traffic Method

Let me tell you, this is the main part where many people go wrong, but you shouldn’t.

The FlexOffers affiliate network approves you based on the traffic method you will use to promote the  affiliate programs found on this network.

Since you are a beginner, the best option or method is to choose a “website” for yourself.

As you can see, other options like social media apps, software, email list, advertising, etc. are not beginner-friendly, which means you may not have a good audience with these sources.

Therefore, a website would be the best option for you and this is why I asked you to create a website first.

If you choose the website option, you can get approved quickly compared to other methods.

So, all you need to do is select the website option and proceed by following the Continue button.

Let me also inform you that you can choose many options or methods, so it is completely up to you.

6. Provide Website Information

Now, after choosing the website option, you just need to provide them with your website information like your name and URL.

Along with this, you will also be asked to describe your advertising strategy and where you plan to place the banners and affiliate program links on FlexOffers.

After describing your strategy and way of promotion, you need to choose the type of your site, which means whether your site is a coupon site, a pop-up site, a shopping site, or none of the above.

Therefore, you should choose this option depending on your website type.

In my case, it’s a blog site, and I think most people will have a blog or review site, so you should check “none of the above”.

After that, you just need to press the investment buttons and proceed to the important step.

7. Verfiy Phone number & Websites

Now in this step you need to focus more because here you need to check your phone number and website.

As you know, verifying a phone number is as easy as a, b, c, d, but verifying a website might be new to you.

But let me make it easy for you.

There are basically two ways to verify your website in FlexOffers, either with HTML code or by uploading a file to your cPanel/hPanel website’s file manager.

If you ask me, it will be easier for you to download the file and so I recommend you to go for this method, but it’s up to you, you can also go for an alternative method.

For this you need to download the file first by clicking the download button there.

Then after that you need to login to your Hostinger hosting account known as hPanel.

Once there, you need to access the hosting section and select your domain name by clicking the admin button.

After that you have to scroll down and you will find the File Manager option, just open it.

When you are in File Manager you need to open the folder in public_html so when you are in this folder you just need to click on the upload button which you will get on the top right of your screen.

Download file
Now you need to upload that file which you downloaded from FlexOffers website for verification.

After uploading, you just need to click the upload button and that’s it.

Now you need to go back to that FexOffers page and then just click the ‘check site’ button.

After doing this, you have successfully verified your website.

Step:5 Have Patience

Now, after all this work, your application to join the FlexOffers affiliate network as an affiliate has been submitted and your application is now under review.

FlexOffers says it will take them 2 business days to review your application, but in my experience it takes 5-7 business days.

It can even take up to 10 days sometimes.

So, all you can do to get FlexOffers approved is to be patient.

FlexOffers Payment Methods

Yes, I want to know!

What after getting approved by FlexOffers

If you have been approved by FlexOffers, let me first congratulate you.

Now a good question is also what to do after getting approved by FlexOffers affiliate network.

As you know, it is an affiliate network with thousands of affiliate programs that pay very well and are easy to advertise.

So all you need to do is join the best and best multi-advertiser affiliate programs.

After joining several offers, you need to select your affiliate links and then you need to start promoting them on your website (from which website you have FlexOffers approval).

NOTE: You should only promote the affiliate programs with the website from which you have got FlexOffers approval.
If you want to promote with another website, you have to add the website to your existing account and that website will also go under review.

My Favourite Offers on this Network

As you also know, FlexOffer is one of my favorite affiliate marketing networks and has some of the best affiliate programs or offers I have ever been approved for.

Let me share with you some of my favorite FlexOffers deals.

  • Skillshare- It is online education marketplace.
  • Constant Contact- It is one of the best email marketing service providers.
  • FreshBooks- It is one of the top leading accounting and payroll softwares.
  • Linkedin Learning- It is also an online education marketplace.
  • Bigstock- It is stock imges, videos and infographics proivder platform.

Besides these affiliate offers, there are also many high paying and best offers, which you join easily and can promote to make money online in the affiliate marketing business.

What if your application rejected?

If your application to join this network is rejected, let me tell you not to worry as you can reapply by contacting them.

But make sure that when you apply again, you have better quality content than before.

Or, there are many better alternatives to FlexOffers, which are also my favorites, so you can easily join them to earn more money in affiliate marketing.

So now let me share with you some of the best alternatives to this network.

Best Alternatives:

1. Impact Radius

Let me tell you, Impact Radius is my favorite affiliate network of all.

It also has a very large network of brands and affiliates with much better and better paying affiliate programs and this is the best part for all affiliates like me.

The best part that I like about this network is that the process of withdrawing payments and the form of tax exposure is very easy.

Along with that, you will be able to find many big and famous brands here.

2. ShareASale

ShareASale is my second favorite affiliate network where it is very easy to get approved by ShareASale.

Let me tell you that ShareASale is very beginner friendly which means everything there is very simple and easy to use.

There are also many high paying CPS offers as well as CPA offers from which you can earn very good money online.

3. Commission Junction

Commision Junction is one of the leading lead networks which also has a large network of many advertisers and publishers as affiliates.

The best thing about this network is that it is very easy to join the commission matching network because it gives you instant approval.

Once you join, you will be able to easily earn money with CJ Affiliates as it is also a great FlexOffers alternative.

4. MaxBounty

MaxBounty is a platform where beginners find it difficult to establish themselves.

But if you want to know how to get approved by MaxBounty network, you can follow the above link.

There you will get a complete step-by-step guide to get approved in just 24 hours.

It is also a good network with several high cost per lead affiliate programs available that are very easy to promote.

5. Awin

Awin is very similar to ShareASale and let me know that both are related to each other.

Once approved by Awin, you will get your own affiliate control panel where you can join some of the best affiliate programs to earn more commissions.

So, if you are not approved by FlexOffers, you also have a great chance to join and earn in this network.

FlexOffers Earnings Proof of $228

Let me speak personally and say that I am also endorsed by FlexOffers and not only this, Alhamdulillah I can earn from this network.

Below you can see a screenshot of my affiliate panel, that’s one month’s profit.

I earned this $228 with the help of the Skillshare affiliate program, which is one of my favorite affiliate programs in the affiliate marketing industry.

Let’s also say that Skillshare on FlexOffers gives you $12 per trial and also gives you a sales commission based on the promo codes used.

FAQs on ‘How To Get Approved on FlexOffers’

1. How do FlexOffers works?

FlexOffers is an affiliate network, which means it is a platform that connects advertisers and affiliates working together to earn money.

Advertisers list their affiliate programs in this network and these programs are promoted by affiliates at a certain commission price, so this way affiliates earn.

Advertisers get sales, leads and customers by promoting their affiliate programs, so this way advertisers win.

FlexOffers charges advertisers to include their shows in their network, so this way FlexOffers wins and it works.

2. How does FlexOffers pay to their affiliates?

FlexOffers pays its affiliates in a net 60 days, which means that once your commission is approved, it will take 60 days to get paid.

Learn more about the FlexOffers commission system
Learn more about FlexOffers payment methods

3. Is FlexOffers affiliate free?

Yes, it is absolutely free for all affiliates. It doesn’t cost a dollar for affiliates to join your network.

But it charges advertisers to publish their offers on the network.

4. How to use FlexOffers network?

If you are an affiliate and want to know how to use the FlexOffers affiliate network, you just need to follow the steps below:

1. Make a Website
2. Put content on it
3. Drive traffic to it
4. Apply to join FlexOffers
5. Join advertiser’s programs
6. Pick their affiliate links
7. Start promoting it
8. Make money online

Final words

Now it’s time to wrap up this definitive guide on how to get approved on FlexOffers.

As I told you before, here I am going to share all my personal strategies that I use to get your approval and so I have kept my promise and share with you all my a

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