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How To Fill CJ Affiliate Tax Information (CJ TAX Form)

The best part about Commission Junction is that it approves you instantly, which means you don’t have to review your application to join their network (like other networks).

You just need to create a free account to join their network.

But, to activate the CJ branch account, all you need to do is just fill in the CJ branch tax information.

Without completing this form, you will not be able to activate your account. Therefore, it is mandatory.

But you should not panic as today in this article I am here to share with you the complete process of filling this CJ tax form so that you don’t face any problem.

After reading this article, you will have no doubts about this tax form.

What to do ‘before’ filling the CJ TAX Information?

Now this is important, if you haven’t created your CJ affiliate account yet, the first step you need to do on your end is to create an account on the CJ affiliate network.

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Let me inform you that there are several steps you need to take to activate your Commission Junction account, and one of those steps is filling out your tax information.

Once you reach that step, you need to start the process (listed below).

How To Fill CJ Affiliate Tax Information:

Commission Junction tax information is not that difficult, but also some people find it difficult to fill it out.

The reason is that they make a mistake, and the mistake is that they give a different name on the account (the beginning when it is created) and a different name on the tax form.

But you should not repeat this mistake.

You must provide them with the same name that you originally provided when creating the account.

Step:1 Choose the Form type

Now that you are in the tax form, you need to be very careful in providing the details.

The first thing you will be asked to do is select the type of TAX form (out of 3 types given).

It mostly depends on the country you live in.

In my case (I live in India), I have to choose TAX Form W-8BEN.


You can easily identify your shape type after reading the description of each shape.

So once you’ve chosen your form type, you just need to move on.

After that, under the image, you will be able to see some basic information (which you have to provide) such as your name, nationality, address, city, state.

Along with that, if you scroll down on that page, you will find some more fields like your PAN card number etc.

All you have to do is provide them all this information correctly, don’t worry, all your information is safe at Commission Junction.

Step:2 Provide the signature (Your name)

Now let me tell you that this is the most important part that you should focus on the most.

This is where most beginners go wrong.

All you have to do in this field is to provide your own name in text format.

The signature here means that you have to enter your own name, which you provided them at the beginning, when you created an account on CJ.

So, after filling all the basic information along with the signature, the last step you need to do is to click the Save Form W-8 button.

Once this is done, your CJ affiliate tax information will be saved and you can now easily activate your Commission Junction account.

What to do ‘after’ filling the CJ TAX Information?

Now, when you finish filling out the CJ tax information or form, it means that you have successfully created and activated your CJ account.

Now your next step is to search for some of the best affiliate programs or CPA offers in the CJ affiliate market so you can join them and make money online from this amazing network.

I have found many beginners who have their CJ affiliate account suspended even after activating it and the simple reason is that they are spamming and using illegal ways to promote affiliate programs.

But you should not repeat this mistake.

In order to earn good money and keep your affiliate account safe, you must promote the offers in the right way and you must not send any kind of spam with fake links.

Guide to Make Money from CJ Affiliates

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Watch this detailed video on how to create a CJ affiliate account and fill out the tax form

FAQs on ‘CJ Affiliate Tax Information’

1. Is CJ Affiliate network better than ClickBank?

Yes of course.

CJ Affiliate is much better than ClickBank because in ClickBank you will find some affiliate programs that are not suitable for beginners.

That means it is difficult for beginners to promote ClickBank offers and earn good money.

While on CJ, you will find many types and categories of affiliate programs that are also easy to promote.

2. How do you get approved for the CJ Affiliate network?

Let me inform you of the fact that you don’t need to get CJ affiliate approval because it gives you instant approval.

To become their affiliate member, you need to create an account and you will have instant access to their marketplace.

3. How do I withdraw money from CJ Affiliate?

To withdraw your affiliate marketing earnings from CJ Affiliate, you must select a payment method.

There are 3 CJ payment methods.
1. Direct Deposit
2. Payer
3. Check

4. How do I use the CJ Affiliate links?

To use CJ’s affiliate links, you must follow the steps mentioned correctly:

Step: 1 Select the affiliate link of an advertiser’s program
Step: 2 Write an article on your website about that advertiser’s services or products, then post your affiliate links
Step: 3 SEO Optimize that article
Step: 4 Promote that material on social media platforms
Step: 5 Promote on Quora
Step: 6 Be patient

5. What are the Best Affiliate Programs on Commission Junction?

Here are some of the best affiliate programs I’ve found on Commission Junction:

1. Constant communication
2. 1 Password
3. Host Blue
4. Grammar
6. A Weber
7. OMG!

Summarizing article

This is all I can share with you on this topic.

It’s simple and easy, but most of the beginners have problems filling the tax information of CJ branch.

But after sharing this detailed article with you, I am 100% confident that I can solve your query regarding it.

keep reading the blogs

How to Join Commission Junction Affiliate Networks
How to make money with Commission Junction
10+ Best Commission Junction Affiliate Programs
Cross Commission Payment Methods

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