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Can Kasamba Psychics Be Trusted? Here’s My Honest Review

Kasamba is an online psychic network that offers readings by phone, chat, and email. They’ve been in business for over 20 years (since 1999) and have helped guide over 4 million people in their paths to find true love, happiness, career success, and self-empowerment.

Kasamba offers a wide range of services including psychic readings, tarot readings, dream interpretation, fortune telling, relationship advice, and much more.

But can Kasamba be trusted?  Are they legitimate?  Are their readings really accurate or is it all just a scam?  In this Kasamba review, I’ll tell you everything you need to know about this company.

3 Free Minutes + 50% Off Your First Reading

  • Authentic Psychic Readings Via Chat or Email
  • Wide Variety of Specialties To Choose From
  • Satisfaction Guarantee on All Readings

Visit Kasamba

How Does Kasamba Work?

Before you commit to a psychic reading, you’re free to browse the site and take a look at the types of services available.

There’s a menu at the top of the website that divides all of the psychic consultants into their specialized categories. Each section also has subcategories, so matter what type of help you’re looking for, there’s bound to be at least a couple of dozen psychics available to meet with you.

Once you choose the type of psychic advisor you’re looking for, you’ll be able to browse everyone’s bio sections. You can see their profile pictures, read about their backgrounds, and explore their past clients’ testimonials. Some Kasamba psychics include videos in their profiles, which allows you to get to know them better

You’ll also be able to see which Kasamba psychics are currently available for phone conversations and which ones are online for a chat session.

If you prefer not to have your consultation in real time, you can also request an email psychic reading. Not all psychics on Kasamba offer this service, but many of them do. The advantage of an email reading is that it’s provided at a flat rate. The disadvantage is that you don’t get the same level of interaction with an advisor.

When you find a Kasamba psychic that you’d like to work with, the next step is to join by providing a username and password. If you have a Facebook account, you can also connect automatically using your Facebook log-in information.

The final step before being connected to a psychic is to set up payment options. You can choose to pay with either a credit card or a PayPal account to transfer funds.

What Type of Services Does Kasamba Offer?

services available on

Kasamba has psychic advisors in eight main areas. Within each category are more specialized services that you can choose from. For example, if you’re looking for a Love and Relationships psychic, you could further filter your choices based on whether they’re gifted in divorce, soulmates, affairs, gay and lesbian relationships, and more.

The primary services to choose from include:

  • Psychic Readings
  • Love & Relationships
  • Tarot Readings
  • Fortune Telling
  • Dream Analysis
  • Astrology Readings
  • Career Forecasts
  • More (Numerology, past life, paranormal, etc.)

Psychic Profiles

directory of psychic readers

We encourage you to spend extra time reading the psychic bios and learning about who you’ll be working with. Online psychics aren’t exactly cheap, so it’s worth it to do your due diligence before connecting with someone.

The information in the bios is provided by the psychic advisors, so you’ll get a lot of insight about them.

All bios have the following information for you to review:

  • Name
  • Profile picture
  • Pricing
  • Number of reviews
  • Overall rating
  • Specialization (including a list of all specialties)
  • Language
  • About section
  • Customer testimonials

The quality of the bios varies greatly, so our advice is to dig deep and look for psychics that put a lot of time into creating theirs. Also, because many people choose to do an online chat with psychics on Kasamba, we strongly recommend choosing a psychic that has a thorough, well-written, and error-free bio. How they’ve written their bio will tell you a lot about how they’ll communicate both online and over the phone.

profile page

One thing we couldn’t help but notice is that some readers in the psychic network give their names while others fill in the name section with a description. For example, when browsing Tarot Card readers, we found psychic names like Tabitha, George, and Amy. We also saw names like “Quietsound,” “Spirit Speaks,” and “Dancing Voice.”

In our opinion, knowing the name of the person giving you reading is helpful (especially since you’re not in the same room), but that might just be a personal preference. Most of the readers that don’t give their actual (or stage) names still have thousands of reviews, so this probably isn’t a deal-breaker for most people.

Screening Process

Kasamba is always recruiting new psychics, but only the cream of the crop talent is allowed to represent the company.

After submitting contact information, professional experience, and a resume to the company, potential advisors are then screened thoroughly. The process involves an interview, a background check, and an internal test to verify abilities.

In addition to thoroughly screening psychics, the company is constantly monitoring their talent, ensuring that they maintain a high customer satisfaction rate in order to continue being on the platform.

Being in the business for more than 20 years has given Kasamba the cache to recruit the best, and the vast majority of Kasamba reviews are positive.

Kasamba App

mobile app

Nowadays, people are on the go, and most of us have a smartphone in our pocket (or purse) at all times. To accommodate today’s mobile and tech-savvy population, Kasamba also offers a free app for iOS and Android devices.

Using your smartphone, you can choose a psychic and immediately begin a voice or chat conversation. Chat conversations are very similar to texting, so it’s extremely convenient if you want a quick answer to a burning question or need help right away.

The app also includes free horoscopes, so you can check your daily forecast whenever the mood strikes.

We did notice in other Kasamba reviews that the app can be glitchy. If you get disconnected while using the app, be sure to contact customer service right away for help getting a refund.

3 Free Minutes

At first glance, you might think Kasamba is like any other online psychic platform, but it does offer something unique.

As part of their Best Psychic Match Guarantee, Kasamba gives you the first 3 minutes of any reading with a new psychic for free. This allows you to connect with someone to see if they’re a match before paying a dime.

There are some caveats. For example, when you book your very first psychic as a new member, the three free minutes deal applies to both phone and chat. However, once you’ve tried one psychic, any new psychic must be contacted via chat (not phone) to get this offer.

When the end of the first 3 minutes approaches, you should be aware that you’ll automatically be charged for additional time. So, if the psychic is not a match, make sure you hang up or end the chat before you start having to pay.

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Because Kasamba psychics have the power to set their own prices, there’s a wide range of fees you can expect.

As we mentioned, your first three minutes with a psychic advisor are free, but prices vary after that. At the low end of the spectrum, rates start at $1.99. However, they can go up to $30.00 for very experienced and in-demand advisors.

Depending on when you’re reading this review, Kasamba may also offer additional incentives for first-time readings. We’ve seen anything from 15% off to 70% off the first session, making it very tempting to give Kasamba a try at least once!

Is Kasamba Safe?

It can be scary connecting with a stranger online, especially when you’re discussing intimate details about your life and sharing personal information like your date of birth.

To ensure customer safety, Kasamba will help protect your information with the following privacy protocols:

  • Your online connection with Kasamba is encrypted with an HTTPS protocol. This shields your payment and contact information from hackers, malware, etc.
  • Kasamba never shares your personal information with advisors. No one will be able to see your address or payment details. The only information an advisor sees is your screen name and whatever information you decide to share during your reading.
  • Advisors cannot see your transcripts with any other psychic. This ensures that they’re not using outside information to get insights into tricking you or faking clairvoyance.

In addition to these safeguards, we also recommend taking steps to protect your privacy. Don’t give an advisor any personal information that’s not relevant to the reading, and never share passwords or credit card information.

Kasamba Horoscopes

Kasamba offers free horoscopes to all visitors without requiring you to log in or create an account. For each sign, you’ll have access to a daily, weekly, and monthly horoscope. The monthly forecast has both a love and a career section, and both of these are very in-depth.

Reading the horoscopes can often lead to more questions than answers, and at the bottom of each forecast, you’ll see a list of online psychics specializing in astrology and love readings that are available to help.


  • Huge variety of specialties
  • Wide range in prices to suit every budget
  • Every advisor is reviewed and rated by previous clients
  • 3 free minutes
  • Psychic app
  • Available 24/7 by phone, chat, or email
  • Free horoscopes


  • No video chat readings offered
  • Lack of filtering options when choosing a psychic
  • Refunds include site credit, but no cash back

The Best Psychics on Kasamba

Kasamba currently has hundreds of readers to choose from. While having ample choices to review can be exciting, it can also be overwhelming! We’ve narrowed the hundreds of advisors down to our top three favorites.



  • Rating: 5 Stars
  • Number of Reviews: 11,937

If you’re new to the world of psychic readings and feeling skeptical or intimidated, Nicola will help initiate you. She has nearly 12,000 reviews, and unlike many of the generic reviews we’ve seen for other readers, the people that worked with Nicola took the time to share detailed accounts of their experiences. After reading what people have to say about Nicola, you almost feel like you know her!

Nicola’s specialty is Tarot, but she’s also skilled in a variety of other areas, including love, relationships, and dream analysis. If you want someone to tell it like it is, but do so in a way that is empathetic and nonjudgmental, then Nicola could be an ideal fit.



  • Rating: 5 Stars
  • Number of Reviews: 14,634

As one of Kasamba’s top-rated psychics, Katharine brings a lot to the table, including 30 years of experience.

She’s been with Kasamba for 11 of those years, and also works on police cases. Unlike other psychics who might not have a logical reason for their gifts, Katharine’s abilities have been passed down through the generations. She credits two great grandmothers as the source of her psychic talents; one, a Bavarian Gypsy, and the other an Algonquin Indian.

Because of Katharine’s other activities and top-rated status, her hours vary, but it’s well worth the wait to get an appointment with her!



  • Rating: 5 Stars
  • Number of Reviews: 28,570

Yazmin’s record includes numerous clients whose predictions have come true. She combines spirituality with clairvoyance, and her spirit guide is her grandfather.

It’s no surprise then, that Yazmin believes in life after death. She is also incredibly skilled at sensing the energy around you, giving you insights into how that energy affects both your environment and daily life.

One of the main reasons Yazmin tops our list is due to her belief in the Law of Attraction. If there is something that you want out of life, Yazmin might be able to shed some light on how to attract it.

Satisfaction Guarantee and Refunds

Kasamba has recently made some changes to its satisfaction guarantee and refund policy. The amount of time you had to request a refund used to be seven days; however, that has now changed to 72 hours.

To request a refund, all you have to do is sign into your account and send an email to the company’s customer service department. You’ll need to provide the date of the session, the psychic’s name, and the amount that you were charged.

Kasamba does state that they have the right to refuse a refund request, and they may choose to refund you partially or in full.

Further, and this is important, a refund will be issued as site credit, not cashback. An exception to this rule applies to your first reading only. If you are unsatisfied with your first Kasamba experience, you can get a cash refund of up to $50 and use that money to find the right advisor.

Alternatives to Kasamba

Thanks to modern technology, there are several online psychic platforms to choose from.  So, after reading this review, if you’re not sure if Kasamba is right for you, or you want to try a few other psychics before you find the right one, we’ll compare a couple of other top platforms side by side with Kasamba.  

Psychic Source vs Kasamba

Like Kasamba, Psychic Source has also been around for decades. They’ve also released an app, and many of their psychics are affordably priced, which is a big plus if you’re on a budget.

Here are our thoughts after comparing these two online psychic providers:

  • Psychic Source has video readings
  • Psychic Source has less selection, but higher quality psychics
  • Psychic Source also has 3 free minutes, but the rates are cheaper (as low as $0.66 per minute)

You can read our Psychic Source review for more information on this provider. vs. Kasamba

Keen is another top Kasamba competitor with a longstanding record. They also have a modern and intuitive interface for browsing psychics. Our biggest complaint about Keen is that the psychic bios are very sparse. Kasamba shines in comparison in that regard.

Here’s how they compare:

  • Keen is cheaper at 10 minutes for $1.99
  • Keen offers chat and phone readings (but no email)
  • Keen offers much more in terms of filtering options when choosing a psychic

Read our full Keen Psychics review for more information on this company.

Final Verdict – Is Kasamba Real or a Scam?

Finding a trustworthy psychic can be a challenge. If you’ve ever gone to an in-person psychic and been told that you need to spend $40 (or more) on a special crystal to ward off a curse someone has placed on you, then you know that there are a lot of ways to be tricked out of your hard-earned money!

Just like with any profession, there are going to be “good” psychics and “bad” psychics. The advantage of using a platform like Kasamba is transparency. You can learn all about Kasamba psychics before you speak with them, and you can compare different psychics side by side.

You’re no longer at the mercy of having to settle for whatever psychic is in your local area. The world is at your fingertips!

We’ve found Kasamba to be a platform that has real psychics that can provide genuine help and guidance. That being said, we can’t confirm the legitimacy of every single one of their advisors. To ensure that you get the most of your experience, we recommend following these steps:

  • Read multiple bios before contacting a psychic.
  • Don’t be afraid to try multiple psychics (just make sure you end the chat in less than three minutes).
  • Attend your readings with an open mind and a positive attitude.

By entering a reading with your eyes and your mind open, you have the best chance of getting real value from your experience with Kasamba.

Visit Kasamba Website

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