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10+ Best Education Affiliate Marketing Programs

As you know, there are several categories of affiliate marketing programs that you can promote to make money online.

Categories like Hosting, Email Marketing, SEO, Gaming, Health, Fitness, Sports and more. Among those top and most popular categories, there is also a category known as Education.

In the world of affiliate marketing, there are many best educational affiliate marketing programs that pay you very good commission for sales and leads.

Well, in this article I am going to share with you more than 10 best Educational Affiliate Programs that you will be interested in.

And surely you are on this page to know about this kind of offer. So what are you waiting for, let’s get started.

Why read this Article?

  • Know what are Education Affiliates
  • Know more than 10 Education Affiliate Programs
  • Guide on How to promote these Education affiliate offers
  • Detailed and practical guide on everything

What are Education Affiliate Programs?

You may have some type of educational website that provides some type of education to your customers or students.

These types of educational sites also have their own affiliate program that you can join and promote to earn more dollars online.

And that’s what Education affiliate programs are.

So if you join a program like this and market to the right audience and if you can get sales and leads then you will earn a decent amount of commission.

10+ Best Education Affiliate Marketing Programs:

1. Skillshare

Skillshare is an online course marketplace where one can sell their courses (to earn money) and can also buy courses from their marketplace to educate themselves.

It is very simple to use, there are many types of courses in almost every category that you can buy and start learning online.

Along with this, in almost all courses you will also receive a certificate of completion which will help you get your job.

This amazing educational marketplace also has its own affiliate program, which is one of the most popular affiliate offers in the industry.

It gives you a commission for the sale as well as the lead and that makes it perfect.

But there is something to tell you about this.

The Skillshare affiliate program is available from 2 major affiliate marketing networks, FlexOffers and Impact Radius.

Because of this the commissions are also different in the 2 networks.

Commission Rates (on Impact Radius):

Commission per Sale- $0
Commission per Lead- $7

Read- Detailed Review of Impact Radius Affiliate Network

Commission Rates (on FlexOffers):

Commission per Sale- $6.4 & $18
Commission per Lead- $5.6

Read- How to get approved in FlexOffers Affiliate Network

2. Linkedin Learning

Linkedin Learning is very similar to Skillshare.

It is also an online education marketplace where you will be able to see many courses from different categories.

As you can see from its name that this service is provided by Linkedin, now you can imagine how big this company is.

It is also a simple and easy to use educational marketplace, if one wants to buy a course to learn, he just needs to search for the best course in that market and then go for it.

Much like Skillshare, it also has its affiliate marketing program for affiliates like us so we can join and promote people interested in this platform.

It also has a commission structure so you will get commission per sale as well as per lead/test.

But this program is also available in 2 affiliate networks, Impact Radius and FlexOffers.

Linkedin Learning Affiliate 2 networks commissions are shown below.

Commission Rates (on Impact Radius):

Commission per Sale- 35%
Commission per Lead- $10

Commission Rates (on FlexOffers):

Commission per Sale- 28%
Commission per Lead- $8

3. Pluralsight

Pluralsight is also a marketplace for online courses (selling and buying) and is very popular and one of the most trusted.

The difference is that on the Pluralsight marketplace, you’ll only be able to see technology and programming courses like Java, CSS, HTML, Python, Angular, and more.

So if anyone wants to be a programmer or anyone wants to learn programming, they can just visit this site and learn by simply buying the best courses.

This amazing site by Pluralsight is also a very good affiliate program that you can consider as one of the best affiliate marketing programs for education.

The best part is that it also gives you a commission per potential customer.

That means you can also call it a CPA offer.

Along with that, it also gives you a sales commission and it is very good to earn a lot of money.

Their offer is also available on the Impact Radius and FlexOffers affiliate marketing networks, and therefore commissions vary.

Commission Rates (on Impact Radius):

Commission per Direct Sale- 15%-50%
Commission per Trial- $5
Commission per Converted Trial- 13.4%-39%

Commission Rates (on FlexOffers):

Commission per Direct Sale- 12%-40%
Commission per Trial- $4
Commission per Converted Trial- 10.72%-31.2%

4. Juni Learning

Juni Learning is also an amazing educational platform that should not be missed anyway.

On this platform, you will find many topics in which to educate yourself and become an expert.

There are some subjects like math, inversions, coding and storytelling.

If someone wants to be an expert in finance and investing, this is a goldmine for them to learn those skills.

Along with this, you will find the topics that are also good for learning.

The Juni Learning affiliate program is only available in the Impact Radius affiliate network.

The best part that I like about this offer is that it pays you for both sales and testing, so it will be very easy for you to promote and earn money from it.

Commission Rates (on Impact Radius):

Commission per Sale- 50%
Commission per Trial- $10

5. Udemy

Who doesn’t know Udemy? It is the most famous, reliable and popular educational platform in the world.

It also has many courses in each category that you can purchase to learn or educate yourself.

The courses available on Udemy are very affordable and that is the reason why this platform has a lot of customers.

It also has an educational affiliate program that pays you if you bring organic customers, in simple terms it pays you for every organic sale you bring.

As I told you, it has affordable courses in its market, so this Udemy platform is very easy to promote and earn money in online affiliate marketing.

Since this program is big and therefore also available in 2 different affiliate networks, one is Impact Radius and the other is FlexOffers.

Commission Rates (on Impact Radius):

Commission per Sale- 10%
Commission per Lead- $0

Commission Rates (on FlexOffers):

Commission per Sale- 8%
Commission per Lead- $0

6. Udacity

Udacity is a very large educational platform where students can register for courses and degrees.

There are many big tech companies that wanted to provide this kind of service to students and this work was done by Udacity.

There are many courses and degrees like artificial intelligence, data science, cloud computing, etc.

It also offers us an affiliate feature that we can join to become your affiliate member and then we can promote your affiliate link.

So if you are going to market to the right audience in the right way, you will get your dream dollars.

Commission Rates (on Impact Radius):

Commission per Enrollment- $25
Commission per Lead- $0

7. CodeSpark

Codespark is an amazing platform designed just for kids who are interested in learning coding and programming.

In simple terms, Codespark is an educational platform where kids can also learn coding and programming.

So this platform is amazing and it is also very popular in its field as there are many such sites.

You will be surprised that this also has its own affiliate marketing program that pays you every time you try.

Here your target audience will be parents as you need to target parents and try to convince them to enroll their kids in this CodeSpark platform to learn coding and programming.

Let me inform you that it gives you enough commission for every test.

Their affiliate program is also available at FlexOffers and Impact Radius. Therefore, you can connect to any network.

Commission Rates (on Impact Radius):

Commission per Sale- $0
Commission per Free Trial- $20

Commission Rates (on FlexOffers):

Commission per Sale- $0
Commission per Free Trial Conversion- $4

8. Brilliant

As you can easily tell from its name, Brilliant is also an educational platform that teaches math and science to students.

I was not good at science, if I had known in my school days, I would have used this platform to learn science.

As they explain these topics through videos, it will make the concept simple and easy to understand.

After all, you don’t have to study science or maths, all you have to do is just advertise this Brilliant platform for those who want to study these subjects.

By doing this, you will be able to earn enough commission.

Because this affiliate program is so popular and easy to earn, this offer is also available on the 2 largest affiliate networks, FlexOffers are Impact Radius.

All you have to do is get approved by FlexOffers or Impact Radius and then you should be able to find this offer in your market.

Pro tip. Getting approved by Impact Radius is easier than FlexOffers.

Commission Rates (on Impact Radius):

Commission per Direct Subscription- $10
Commission per Free Trial- $1
Commission per Trial Subscription- $25

Commission Rates (on FlexOffers):

Commission per Direct Subscription- $4-$8
Commission per Free Trial- $0.80
Commission per Trial Subscription- $10-$20

9. Coursera

Coursera is one of the largest educational platforms.

Here you will be able to complete a diploma or any course (with a certificate).

Not only this, but after completing a degree or course, you can get a job in top companies.

There are many subjects like data science, business, computer science, information technology etc. so there is a lot of opportunity for all students who want to learn these skills from here.

Along with that, there is an affiliate offer from Coursera, which is an educational affiliate marketing program.

To earn money online with this offer, just come to Impact Radius and then search for this brand in the market.

You then need to apply to join and once approved you can promote your affiliate links.

Commission Rates (on Impact Radius):

Commission per Sale- 10%-45%
Commission per Lead- $0

10. Babbel

Babbel is also an educational platform, but different from the ones mentioned above.

Through this platform, you will be able to learn several languages ​​and Babbel himself will teach you.

You can learn languages ​​like Turkish, Spanish, German, French, Russian, Dutch, Indonesian and more.

Therefore, this site is amazing for all people who are interested in learning another language.

But apart from learning, if you want to earn dollars from this Babbel site, you must join this site’s affiliate program.

It is available on Impact Radius and thus you can get your approval easily.

One of the best parts of this program is that you will earn commission on percentage basis and hence there is a high probability that you will earn more.

The more sales you bring, the more commission you earn, Inshallah.

Commission Rates (on Impact Radius):

Commission per Sale- 15%
Commission per Lead- $0

11. Teachable

Teachable is different from all the sites I have shared with you in this article.

But in general it is also an educational platform.

Basically, it’s a marketplace where one can start their Teachable course and easily convert their knowledge into dollars.

After starting the course, you just need to advertise externally and try to attract students for the course.

There is also another method to make money with Teachable and that is their affiliate program that you just have to promote.

The more you promote (in a better way), the more you earn.

Your target audience here will be those who want to make money online by selling their own online courses.

Commission Rates (on Impact Radius):

Commission per Sale- 30%
Commission per Lead- $0

How to promote Education Affiliate Marketing Programs?

You can’t make money with any affiliate program if you can’t promote that program better.

Let me also share with you some of the best advertising techniques or strategies that you can use to promote any affiliate.

Method:1 Writing Blogs on your Website

This is the best and most permanent method you should use to promote any affiliate program, whether it’s education, hosting, email marketing, etc.

With this method, all you have to do is create your website or blog and then post articles related to the affiliate program.

For example: If you promote the Skillshare affiliate program, you must write articles related to the Skillshare educational platform or courses.

Along with this, you should also do the SEO of your article so that it ranks in Google.

By doing this, you will get organic traffic from Google and that traffic will definitely convert into affiliate sales and leads as well.

But this method will take time because a website needs several months to rank in Google, so you have to be patient.

Method:2 Running Paid Ads

This is also a popular method of making money fast with affiliate marketing.

With this method, all you need is money and the program you want to promote.

Here you have to post paid ads on the platform like Google Ads, Facebook Ads, Linkedin Ads, Quora Ads etc.

By doing this, you will get paid traffic to your landing page or to the program (which you are promoting), and that traffic will help you generate sales and affiliate programs.

This method will not take time, you just need to have good money to place paid ads.

A key part of this method is ad targeting. You need to target the right audience that matches the show you are promoting.

Method:3 Promote with Email Marketing

Email marketing is the most efficient method that will give you the best results at the least cost.

It is not a free method but you can take it almost as a free method because the investment is very less.

You just need to spend on an email marketing tool that will help you send mass emails to your email.

With this method, you first need to select affiliate programs, then collect emails from people who are interested in that program.

Then you need to send mass emails to all those emails. emails promoting the affiliate program.

But you shouldn’t spam.

Pro tip: You should never share direct affiliate links via email, create a landing page, and distribute that link.

Method:4 Make Review or Tutorials YouTube videos

As everyone knows, today’s audience across the internet is more interested in consuming video content than blog content.

That’s why making videos will also generate sales and leads from affiliate programs and thus you can also make money making videos (without AdSense) with affiliate marketing.

All you need to do with this method is to make videos on YouTube or any other platform, but Youtube would be my recommendation.

For example: If you are promoting Linkedin Learning affiliates, you should make videos about the Linkedin Learning marketplace, its courses, rating, review, how to use it, etc.

By doing this, you will get the right audience and your videos will earn you dollars.

Method:5 Do Quora Marketing (Do not Spam)

This method is the last method in this list, but it is not the last method to promote an affiliate offer, there are many methods that you can use.

With this method, you first need to create a landing page (related to the offer) and then you need to promote that landing page on Quora by simply answering the questions.

As you know, there are a lot of questions on Quora (with many categories), so you need to find the questions related to your niche and then answer them.

This is a free and good method but most of the beginners are spamming Quora and because of that their Quora account is suspended.

What they do is spread too many links too soon.

But you should not repeat this mistake.

Just be honest and answer questions without sharing too many links too soon.

FAQs on ‘Education Affiliate Marketing Programs’

1. Top 5 Education Affiliate Programs?

Here are the best and top 5 affiliate programs in the education niche.

1. Share skills
2. Learning on Linkedin
3. Plural vision
4. Udemy
5. June Learning:

2. What is the easiest affiliate program?

2. What is the easiest affiliate program?

Here are some of the easiest affiliate programs you can join to make money fast:

1. Amazon Associates
3. Host Blue
4. Digistor24
5. ClickBank

3. Which website is best for affiliate marketing?

There are many top websites or affiliate networks that you can join to earn from affiliate marketing.

1. The radius of influence
2. Share the sale
3. Flexible offers
4. Commission transition
5. Digistor24

Summarizing article (Conclusion)

So that was it for this article that I can share with you on the topic of Education Affiliate Marketing Programs.

Let me quickly summarize what I have shared with you in this article.

  • What are the educational branches?
  • 10+ educational website affiliate programs
  • Top 5 ways to promote these affiliate programs
  • A bit about Quora Marketing

Now I am sure that you have no doubts left (regarding this topic).

Now is your chance to choose the best offer and start working on it to earn good money.

Keep reading articles!

  • 19+ Best Two-Tier Affiliate Programs
  • 10+ Best Accounting Affiliate Programs
  • 10+ Best Commission Junction Affiliate Programs
  • Amazon Audible Affiliate Program
  • FreshBooks Affiliate Program
  • How to get Approved for Affiliate Programs


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